
Module 10 Spring Festival Units 1-2课堂达标小测(含答案)外研版七年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:52次 大小:24256Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024外研版七年级英语上册 课堂达标小测 Module 10 Unit 1 I.根据音标提示写出单词及汉语意义。 1./ kli n / 2. /spi k/ 3./ 'fest vl/ 4./ kwa t/ 5./ 'bju t fl/ 6. /hɑ d/ 7./d n/ 8. / h r / 9./ 'we / 10. / fl / II.用括号内所给单词或汉语提示的适当形式完成句子。 1. What do you usually do for Spring _____(节日) 2. It's four o'clock in the afternoon. It's time to _____ (打扫)the classroom. 3. What's _____ (发生) over there Let's go and see it. 4. They are playing football. Let's _____(加入) them. 5. The woman looks (相当) young. 6.What a (beauty) and big school it is! 7.It’s hard work and they are working (hard). 8. Look! They (learn) a dragon dance with my grandpa. 9.Lucy often (help) me with my English. 10.What you (do)now III.根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.史密斯先生正在办公室工作。 Mr Smith is _____ _____ in his office. 2.妈妈正在把我们的衣服收起来。 My mother is _____ our clothes _____. 3.快点!到上课的时间了。 _____ _____! It's time for class. 4.他的爸爸目前在上海。 His father is in Shanghai _____ _____ _____. 5.我正在和爷爷一起做灯笼。 I’m with my grandpa. IV.翻译句子 用括号内所给的词或短语,将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 你们正在为新年做准备吗?(new year) 2.教室里正在发生什么 (happen) 3. 我妈妈正在厨房里做饭。 4. 我奶奶正在擦地板。 Module 10 Unit 2 I.根据音标提示写出单词及汉语意义。 1./ 'kr sm s / 2. /'febr r / 3./ 'd nj r / 4./ b 'f / 5./ 'te bl / 6. / sel ,bre t / 7./ tr 'd n l / 8. /'pr gr m / 9./ 'swet / 10. / k t / II.用括号内所给单词或汉语提示的适当形式完成句子。 1.You’re so (luck) that you have so good a teacher. 2.Spring Festival is the Chinese (tradition) festival. 3.The word “hard” (mean) “difficult” 4.Wash you hands before (have) meals. 5.Spring Festival usually (come) in January or February. 6.Where are we going, Dad is one of my favourite _____(节目). 7.We are having a party to _____(庆祝) my mother's birthday. 8.In the north of China, people often eat (饺子)。 9. Please have a look at what it is on the (桌子). 10.It’s cold outside. Put on your (毛衣) or coat. III.根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.我们唱歌跳舞来庆祝她的生日。 We sing and dance her birthday. 2.桌子上有那么多美味可口的食物。 There is delicious food on the table. 3.我能看看你的新电脑吗 Can I _____ _____ _____ _____ your new computer 4.记得向家人和朋友说“圣诞快乐”。 Remember to say _____ _____ _____ families and friends. 5.那可除去坏运气。 That can bad luck. IV.翻译句子 用括号内所给的词或短语,将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 祝您好运。 2. 圣诞节的前几天,我们为每一个人买礼物。(before) 3. 在春节孩子们通常穿着新衣服。(wear) 4. 春节每年都到来,但不在同一天。(happen) 参考答案 Module 10 Unit 1 I.1.clean 打扫,干净的2.speak说话,讲话3.festival节日4.quite相当,十分5.beautiful美丽的,漂亮的6.hard努力地;困难的7.join参加,加入8.hurry赶快,匆忙9.away 在安全的地方10.floor地板 II. 1.Festival 2.clean 3.happening 4.join 5.quite 6.beautiful 7.hard 8.are learning 9.helps 10.are;doing III. 1.at work 2.putting; away 3.Hurry up 4.at the moment 5.making lanterns IV.1.Are you getting ready for t ... ...

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