
Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 单元知识点总结

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:46次 大小:17920Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024学年人教版九年级英语全册Unit12单元知识点总结 本单元重点短语的具体用法 1. take a shower:“take a shower”的意思是洗澡或淋浴。例如:I need to take a shower before going to bed.(我需要在睡觉前洗个澡。) 2. leave my backpack at home:“leave sth at home”表示把某物忘在家里。例如:I left my keys at home and had to go back.(我把钥匙忘在家里了,不得不回去拿。) 3. get back to school:“get back”的意思是返回,“get back to school”就是回到学校。例如:I need to get back to school to hand in my homework.(我需要回到学校交作业。) 4. start teaching:“start doing sth”表示开始做某事,“start teaching”就是开始教学。例如:The teacher started teaching and the students began to take notes.(老师开始教学,学生们开始做笔记。) 5. go off:“go off”可以表示(闹钟等)响铃。例如:The alarm went off and woke me up.(闹钟响了,把我叫醒了。) 6. rush out the door:“rush out”的意思是冲出去,“rush out the door”就是冲出房门。例如:I rushed out the door without breakfast this morning.(今天早上我没吃早饭就冲出房门了。) 7. give sb a lift:“give sb a lift”的意思是让某人搭车、捎某人一程。例如:Can you give me a lift to the supermarket (你能让我搭个便车去超市吗?) 8. miss both events:“miss sth”表示错过某事,“miss both events”就是错过两个事件。例如:I was sick and missed both events.(我生病了,两个活动都错过了。) 9. full of unexpected:“be full of”表示充满,“unexpected”表示不可预知的。“full of unexpected”就是充满着不可预知性。例如:The day was full of unexpected surprises.(这一天充满了意想不到的惊喜。) 10. be about to do sth:“be about to do sth”的意思是正要做某事。例如:I was about to leave when the phone rang.(我正要离开时电话响了。) 11. stare in disbelief at:“stare at”表示盯着看,“in disbelief”表示难以置信地。“stare in disbelief at”就是难以置信地盯着。例如:She stared in disbelief at the mess in the room.(她难以置信地盯着房间里的一团糟。) 12. raise above the burning building:“raise sth above”表示把某物升起到……之上,“the burning building”表示正在燃烧的建筑物。“raise above the burning building”就是从正在燃烧的楼上升起。例如:The helicopter raised the rescue basket above the burning building.(直升机把救援篮升举到正在燃烧的建筑物上方。) 13. jump out of bed:“jump out of”表示从……跳出来,“jump out of bed”就是从床上跳下来。例如:I jumped out of bed and ran to the window.(我从床上跳下来,跑到窗户边。) 14. collect the math homework:“collect”的意思是收集,“collect the math homework”就是收数学作业。例如:The teacher asked me to collect the math homework.(老师让我收数学作业。) plete the work for my boss:“complete sth”表示完成某事,“complete the work for my boss”就是完成老板的工作。例如:I need to complete the work for my boss before the deadline.(我需要在截止日期前完成老板的工作。) 16. make the apple pie:“make sth”可以表示制作某物,“make the apple pie”就是制作苹果馅饼。例如:She made the apple pie for the party.(她为聚会做了苹果馅饼。) 17. show up:“show up”的意思是出现、赶到。例如:He didn't show up ... ...

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