
Unit 3 Welcome to our school Reading 1 (1) 课件(共16张PPT)牛津译林版七年级英语上册

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:42次 大小:725343Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 译林版《英语》七年级上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school Reading 1 Welcome to our Open Day Task 1. Learn from Millie’s example Task 2. Plan our introduction Task 3. Show teachers around our school √ Activity 1. Viewing. View and find. Who Where What Millie and her mum At the school gate Millie shows her mum around. letter note Tip 1. We can get more useful information from the introduction and the picture. Activity 2. General reading. Read and answer. Questions: How is the school in Mum’s eyes What places does Millie show her mum around Who do they see in the school Activity 3. Detailed reading. At the school gate Read and finish the bubbles. Greetings Hi, Mum. Hi, dear. Comments 评论 Your school looks beautiful. The playground is so big. Your school looks beautiful. The playground is so big. Thinking: Does Mum like Millie’s school How do you know that happy proud How does Mum feel now surprised Activity 3. Detailed reading. In front of the classroom building Read and finish the cards. Millie’s introduction: Mum’s words: Number: Millie’s classroom: Classrooms: Other rooms: 18 on the ground floor Other rooms: an art room, a music room, two computer rooms clean and bright Tip 2: We use numbers to show our feelings in a talk. wonderful /bra t/ adj. 1st the first floor 2nd G 5th 4th 3rd the second floor the third floor Culture link the ground floor 1st the first floor the second floor 2nd 3rd the third floor 4th 5th 6th British English American English Activity 3. Detailed reading. On the way Read and fill in the table. Library School hall Where How What read books have meetings modern that new building over there / / m dn/ adj. Activity 3. Detailed reading. On the way Read and match. Who might be Mr Wu Activity 4. Role play. Work in pairs and act out. Tips: 1. Use the pictures on the blackboard to help you. 2. Add correct feelings and body language. 3. ... There The classrooms are clean and bright. There Your school looks beautiful. The playground is so big. There That’s wonderful. It looks modern. There Classrooms. There Other rooms. There Library. Activity 5. Appreciation and discussion. Reread and discuss. Tip 3: We use adjectives and adverbs to show our feelings in a talk. Mr Wu. He looks young. Activity 5. Appreciation and discussion. Reread and appreciate. How does Millie respond(回应) to Mum What else does Mum say Tip 4: We need to show our ideas and interest to make a smooth (顺畅的) talk. Agree Ask & Answer Appreciation and discussion. What’s school like in your eyes School is like _____. School is a place where we can learn, explore and experience something. Let’s enjoy our school lives! Homework For all of you: Compare our school with Millie’s and write down the differences. For some of you: You are Millie’s Mum. Write a diary of today’s visit to school.

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