
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Reading知识点学案(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:44次 大小:34360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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B3U4 Welcome to the unit & Reading 学案 重点词汇诠释 1 intend vt.& vi.打算,计划,想要 (1)intend doing sth./to do sth. 打算/想要做某事 (2)intend sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 (3)intention n. [C,U]意图 with the intention of... 打算…… (4)intended adj. 打算的,计划的,意欲达到的;为……打算(或设计)的 be intended for...(=be meant for...) 是为……打算(或设计)的 be intended to do sth. 打算做某事,旨在做某事 Mr White is back home now and intends to write a book about his adventure. 怀特先生现在回家了,打算写一本关于他的奇遇的书。 He intends his son to take over his business. 他打算让他的儿子接管他的生意。 They went into town with the intention of visiting the library. 他们进了城,打算参观图书馆。 These rooms are intended for group discussion and seminars. 这些房间用于小组讨论和研讨会。 单句语法填空/完成句子 ①I don't intend anyone _____ (see) the painting until it is finished. ②Everything they do is intended _____ (improve) the living standards. ③This programme was set up with the _____ (intend) of providing help for homeless people. ④他们本来打算帮忙,但是没能及时到达那里。 They _____ but couldn't get there in time. 2 refer to查阅,参考;描述,与……相关,涉及;说及,谈到,说起 refer to... as...            将……称为…… You can refer to my notes if you review what you have studied. 你如果复习你所学功课的话,可以参考我的笔记。 This paragraph refers to the events of last year. 这一段说的是去年发生的事。 What I have to say refers to all of you. 我要说的话关系到你们所有人。 You know who I'm referring to. 你知道我说的是谁。 The book referred to by the psychologist can teach you how to find what is causing pressure in your life. 那位心理学家提到的那本书可以教你如何找出在你的生活中引起压力的东西。 People refer to Wuyuan as the most beautiful village in China. 人们把婺源称为中国最美丽的乡村。  判断下列句子中refer to的含义/结合refer to和look up的相关用法完成句子 ①Study skills refer to behaviours that lead to academic success._____ ②In all walks of life, when referring to someone's success, we often use the words “efforts and determination”._____ ③He referred to a history book to find out when the French Revolution broke out._____ ④怀特教授在会上提到的那封信是他父亲写的。 The letter _____ at the meeting by Professor White is written by his father. ⑤阿姆斯特丹因其便利的桥梁和运河系统,常被称为“北方的威尼斯”。 Amsterdam is often _____ the “Venice of the North” due to its convenient system of bridges and canals. 3 limited adj.有限的 (1)limit vt. 限制,限定 n. [C]限度,限制;界限,范围 limit...to... 把……限制在……内(其被动形式为be limited to...) without limit  无限地,无限制地 within limits 在一定范围内,适度地;有限度地 set a limit on... 对……作出限制 There is a/no limit to... ……是有/无限度的。(to是介词) (2)unlimited adj. 尽量多的,任意多的,无限制的 limitless adj. 无限制的,无界限的,无止境的 limitation n. [U]限制,控制;[C,usually pl.]局限,限度 Just like a sea voyage, our life journey, whose days are limited, is full of di ... ...

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