课件网) Unit 4 Exploring poetry Welcome to the unit Step 1 Lead-in How do you feel sad blue depressed sorrowful meloncholy ... What is poerty Poetry is an expression of one’s will. What is kept in the heart is the will, but when expressed in words, it is poetry. ——— “Preface to The Book of Songs” 诗者,志之所在也,在心为志,发言为诗。 ——— 《毛诗序》 Poetry is an expression of what one feels or thinks in his/her heart or mind. Step 2 Let’s learn poet poetry poem poetic n.诗 n.诗歌,诗集 n.诗人 a.诗歌的,富有诗意的 Recite as many as poems with the given word in 1 minute. Step 3 Let’s play 1.春 2.秋 3.花 Do you know the poems If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind —Percy Shelley 冬天来了,春天还会远吗 —雪莱 Ode to the West Wind《西风颂》 Step 3 Let’s play Liberty and love, these two I must have. For my love I’ll sacrifice My life. For liberty I’ll sacrifice My love. Liberty and Love ———Sandor Petofi 生命诚可贵,爱情价更高。 若为自由故,二者皆可抛。 《自由与爱情》———裴多菲 Long and winding is the road ahead, I will keep searching and probing between heaven and earth. 路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索。 一《离骚》屈原 海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。 《送杜少府之任蜀州》一王勃 If you have a friend who knows your heart. Distance cannot keep you two apart. Fishing in Snow From hill to hill no bird in flight From path to path no man in sight A lonely fisherman afloat Is fishing snow in lonely boat. Translated by Xu Yuanchong 千山鸟飞绝 万径人踪灭 孤舟蓑笠翁 独钓寒江雪 --《江雪》柳宗元 A Spring Morning By Meng Haoran This spring morning in bed I’m lying, Not to awake till birds are crying. After one night of wind and showers, How many are the fallen flowers! (Translated by Xu Yuanchong) Step 4 Let’s appreciate Dreams by Langston Hughes Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. 兰斯顿·休斯(Langston Hughes,1902.02.01—1967.05.22)在美国文坛,尤其是黑人文学方面,是一个举足轻重的人物。他写过小说、戏剧、散文、历史、传记等各种文体的作品,还把西班牙文和法文的诗歌翻译成英文,甚至编辑过其他黑人作家的文选,但他主要以诗歌著称,被誉为“黑人民族的桂冠诗人”。 poet laureate personification metaphor In the second one,Langston Hughes emphasizes the importance of having dreams in one’s life.And he uses some artistic techniques, such as metaphor and personification. How do you like the two poems Both poems are very descriptive. “A Spring Morning” reveals the poet’s love of spring and his regret of its departure. 1.Why do people read poems To enjoy the challenge and fun of trying to understand the poet’s intention in writing a poem. To look at the poem’s form and literary devices to see what the poet saw. To feel the rhythms and rhymes of the poem as well as the poet’s emotions. To improve the aesthetic ability... Step 5 Let’s discuss 2.What aspects of a poem do you pay ... ...