
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Grammar and Usage 课件-(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:45次 大小:1305584Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Grammar and usage Verb-ed forms as attributives, adverbials and object complements 1.Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist of the People’s Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize, awarded for her contribution to the fight against malaria, one of the deadliest diseases in human history. 2. Thanks to her discovery of qinghaosu, malaria patients all over the world now have had a greatly increased chance of survival. verb-ed forms as attributives 4. Born in 1930, in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Tu studied medicine at university in Beijing between 1951 and 1955. 5. Inspired by an over 1,600-year-old text about preparing qinghao extract with cold water, Tu redesigned the experiments. verb-ed forms as adverbials 3. Even with large amounts of qinghao extract produced, however, they still faced another problem. verb-ed forms as object complement bacteria penicillin mould Read Alexander Fleming’s story and find the verb-ed forms in the article. Verb-ed forms as attributives something produced by the mould Verb-ed forms as adverbials Verb-ed forms as object complements the prepared mind surprised by this get its mass production started Exploring the rules The verb-ed form can appear before or after a noun or pronoun. It modifies the noun or pronoun like a(n) (2)_____ (relative clause/adverbial clause). relative clause Rule 2 Rule 3 The verb-ed form can be used as an adverbial or an object complement. Exploring the rules The verb-ed form can be used like an adjective or an adverb, indicating a(n) (1) _____(active/passive) meaning. Rule 1: passive Verb-ed forms as attributives 观察下列句子中动词-ed形式作定语的位置 · The results indicated that something produced by the mould had killed the bacteria. · Fortune favours the prepared mind. 单个动词-ed形式作定语,常被置于被修饰词之前; 动词-ed形式短语作定语,常被置于被修饰词之后。 注意1: 总结1: 动词-ed形式通常表示被动含义, 但不及物动词的-ed形式除外。 a respected writer =a writer who is respected trained employees =employees who have been trained before the sunken ship =the ship that has sunken fallen leaves =leaves that have fallen 比 较 及物动词的动词-ed形式作定语,通常既表示已经完成,又可以表示被动的意义。 不及物动词的-ed形式作定语,常表示已发生的动作。 总结: 注意2: Verb-ed forms as attributives 1. Most of the people (invite) to the party are famous scientists. 2. The EMS (post) yesterday will reach my brother in three days. 3. There has been nothing (change) here since I left this city. 4. She is a (respect) teacher. invited posted changed Practice respected Verb-ed forms as adverbials 注意1: 观察下列句子中的动词-ed形式表达的意义 · Seen from the top of the mountain, the river looks like a dragon. · Greatly interested, I began to read the book. · The professor entered the hall, followed by a group of students. · Once begun, the project cannot be stopped. · Though defeated many times, th ... ...

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