
牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Extended reading学案(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:38次 大小:32481Byte 来源:二一课件通
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  B3U4 Extended reading 学案 重点词汇诠释 1 involved adj.参与,有关联;耗费很多时间,关注 (1)be/get involved in... 参与……,与……有关;专心于…… (2)involve vt. 牵涉,牵连;(使)参加,加入;包含,需要 involve sb./oneself in (doing) sth. 使某人/某人自己参与(做)某事 involve doing sth. 包括/需要做某事 (3)involvement n. [U]参与;[U,C]投入 Children can get a lot out of being involved in volunteer work. 孩子们通过参加志愿者工作能学到很多东西。 I was so involved in my book that I didn't hear you knock. 我全神贯注在看书,没听到你敲门。 We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations. 我们希望参加庆典的人越多越好。 Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which involves spending quite a lot of time with students. 米歇尔找到了一份高中教师的工作,(这份工作)需要花很多时间和学生在一起。 单句语法填空 ①150 participants from three grades were involved _____ the race. ②Carrying out the research on the chimpanzee will involve _____ (live) in the jungle for several years. ③Our school proposes that students should involve _____ (they) in community activities where they can gain experience of growth. ④All who participated have gained a positive outcome from getting _____ (involve). 2 credit n.[U]认可,赞扬,称赞; [U,C]贷款,借款; [U]信用,信誉; [U]赊购,赊欠; [C]学分 (1)give sb. credit for... 为……而称赞某人 (2)do sb. credit 使某人值得赞扬 (3)to sb.'s credit 使值得赞扬 (4)on credit 赊购 Let's give him credit for the success of the project. 我们要将这一项目的成功归功于他。 Your honesty does you great credit. 你的诚实值得大大表扬。 To his credit, Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened. 值得赞扬的是,杰克对所发生的事守口如瓶。 The bank refused further credit to the company. 银行拒绝再给那家公司提供贷款。 It is important to pay your electricity bill on time, as late payment may affect your credit. 按时支付电费账单很重要,因为逾期支付可能会影响你的信用。 Nowadays, most new cars are bought on credit. 如今,大多数新汽车都是赊购的。 You must pass the examination to get credits for the course. 你必须通过考试才能获得那门课程的学分。  判断下列句子中credit的含义/完成句子 ①During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits._____ ②We don't mind who gets the credit as long as we don't get the blame._____ ③Borrowers need to provide the credit history, which the lenders will use as the criteria when evaluating a loan._____ ④值得赞扬的是,尽管天气恶劣,工人们还是设法按时完成了工程。 _____, the workers managed to complete the project on time in spite of the bad weather. 3 apply vt.应用,使用;vi. 申请,请求;vt.努力学习,勤奋工作;vt.涂 (1)apply sth. to... 把某物应用于…… be applied to... 被应用于……(to为介词) (2)apply (to...) for... (向……)申请…… apply to do sth. 申请做某事 (3)apply oneself/one's mind to (doing) sth. 某人致力于/专心于(做)某事 (4)apply...to... 把……涂到…… (5)application n. [C,U]申请,申请表;应用 a ... ...

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