
2024年重庆中考二轮语法突破课时练习 专题八 动词 第4节 情态动词(含答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:16次 大小:21914Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年重庆中考二轮语法突破课时练习 专题八 动词  第4节 情态动词  一、单项选择。           ( )1.—Simon, I’m afraid we can’t complete the model spaceship this afternoon. —Well, we     finish it today. It’s fine if we give it to Mr. White tomorrow. A.mustn’t B.can’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t ( )2.—Can we play soccer here —No, you play it near the road. That’s too dangerous! A.can B.may C.won’t D.mustn’t ( )3.—Did you spend much time driving back to your hometown during the National Day holiday —Yes. There was too much traffic. What’s more, driving on the high-way     be very dangerous, so you     be too careful. A.must; should B.can; can’t C.might; must D.may; can’t ( )4.— I take photos here —No, you mustn’t. Don’t you see the sign “NO PHOTOS” A.Would B.May C.Must D.Should ( )5.We should learn some basic life skills since we     depend on ourselves some day. A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t  ( )6.Ants are pretty small. You might think that they be rather weak. But what you might not know is that ants are actually very strong for their size. A.need B.can’t C.must D.should ( )7.—Mum, may I go to see a film with my cousin —You go if you have finished your homework. A.must B.need C.should D.can ( )8.—Some people don’t show their talents at the very beginning. —I agree. Even Einstein read until he was seven. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.couldn’t D.needn’t ( )9.—Will you stay here for dinner with us —Sorry, I     . My mother is waiting for me at home. A.mustn’t B.can’t  C.needn’t D.couldn’t ( )10.—Kangkang, I saw your English teacher in the office just now. —It be him. He to Shanghai on business. A.must; has gone B.can’t; has been C.must; has been D.can’t; has gone ( )11.The pubic sign in the library means people     smoke there. (2022·江苏连云港) A.could B.must C.couldn’t D.mustn’t 二、完成句子。 1.We think you should keep silent. (改为否定句) We     think you     keep silent. 2.你现在还是个学生,你应该在穿着上少花点钱。 You are still a student now. You should         on clothes. 3.在公众场合,你必须举止得当。 You must         in public. 4.做饭可以帮助我们表达对家人的爱。 Cooking         us show love for family members. 5.三人行,必有我师焉。 When walking in the company of other men, there         one that I can learn something from. 三、语法改错。(请在句中画出错误之处并改正) 1.She can play the piano when she was five. 2.Only when you try your best you can realize your dream. 3.No one can living without keep in touch with others. 4.Helping others can gives me such a strong feeling of being needed and bring me happiness. 5.—Must we do our homework first —No, you mustn’t.You may have a rest first. 四、完形填空。 Robots may seem smart, but they  1  even pick up a chess piece.“Robots are klutzes(笨手笨脚的人).” said US AI engineer Ken Goldberg. Robot scientists say that one-year-old human babies have better movement skills than robo ... ...

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