
Module 5 Unit 1 It's time to watch a cartoon.学案 2023-2024学年初中英语外研版八年级下册

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:92次 大小:27693Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 5 Unit 1 It's time to watch a cartoon. 【学习目标】 1.能记住并能正确运用下列单词和短语:cartoon, handsome, smart, sky, fight, cool, hero, humorous, laugh, lesson, can't help doing sth.。 2.能通过相关图片和词汇描述自己和他人对卡通片的观点;能编写关于卡通片的对话。 3.学会倾听他人对卡通片的看法,养成关心和帮助他人的良好品质。 ◎课时重点: 能听懂有关谈论卡通人物的对话,并能简单谈论自己喜爱的卡通人物。 【预习导学】 一、填一填 1.爬上;向上爬     2.不断/反复/坚持做某事     3.好吧;行     4.忍不住做某事     5.互相     6.是做某事的时候了     二、译一译 1.It's time to watch a cartoon. _____ 2.Why don't we watch Spiderman _____ 3.He keeps fighting bad people. _____ 4.我想成为一个像他一样的人。 _____ 5.当我看到它们的时候,我就忍不住发笑! _____ 三、想一想 1.你最喜欢的卡通片是什么样子的呢 主人公有什么特点呢 _____ _____ 2.在对话中找出描述《超人》《蜘蛛侠》《猫和老鼠》的主人公特点的句子。 Superman:_____ Spiderman:_____ Tom and Jerry:_____ 3.请你从《超人》《蜘蛛侠》《猫和老鼠》这三部动画片中选择一部简单地介绍给你的朋友。 _____ _____ ◎学法指导:在介绍卡通片时,用一般现在时态。 【答案】 一、 1.climb up 2.keep doing sth. 3.all right 4.can't help doing sth. 5.each other 6.It's time to do sth. 二、 1.到看卡通片的时候了。 2.为什么我们不看《蜘蛛侠》呢 3.他坚持和坏人做斗争。 4.I want to be someone like him. 5.I can't help laughing when I watch them! 三、 1.Funny./Interesting./Humorous... Brave./Kind./Cute./Handsome./Beautiful./Smart./Friendly... 2.Superman:I think Superman is better. He's stronger than Spiderman. Superman is brave. That's a real hero... Spiderman:It's more modern... Tom and Jerry:Tom and Jerry are very funny. Jerry is too smart for Tom... 3.The cute mouse always beats the cat! They fight a lot, but they really love each other. Sometimes they protect each other and work together. 【合作探究】 任务驱动一 说和听 1.在小组内结对谈论教材上活动1的问题,每组派代表进行展示。 2.听教材上活动2的录音,选择正确答案,并在小组内核对答案。 ( )(1)What kind of cartoons does Betty like A.Exciting cartoons. B.Funny cartoons. C.Humorous cartoons. ( )(2)Do they think cartoons always end in a happy way A.Yes, they do. B.No, they don't. C.We don't know. ( )(3)What cartoon does Tony think is funny A.Superman. B.Spiderman. C.Tom and Jerry. ◎学法指导:在谈论对话时,注意描述人物的词,如brave, handsome, smart,等。 任务驱动二 回答问题   1.听教材上活动3的对话录音,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )(1)Daming and Tony have finished their homework. ( )(2)Spiderman can fly, but he can't climb up buildings with his hands and feet. ( )(3)At last Daming and Tony watch Tom and Jerry together. 2.两人一组分角色朗读对话,回答对话后的题目。 (1)What does Tony think about Spiderman _____ (2)Why does Daming think Superman is better _____ (3)Why do they both like Tom and Jerry _____ (4)What lesson can Tony learn from Tom and Jerry _____ 3.细读对话,然后完成表格。 Superman (1)He is   . (2)He can fly    and   .  Spiderman (3)Spiderman is   . (4)He can't fly, but he can     with his hands and feet. Tom ... ...

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