
Unit6 Work quietly! Part A Let’s spell 课件(共37张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:28次 大小:47501105Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教版五年级下册 Unit6 Work quietly! Part A Let’s spell 微信绑定游戏节奏大师闪退_进游戏退出解决方法 Game time Rhythm Master(节奏大师): If the words come to your group, you should speak out the words loudly. (如果单词来到你这组,请大声读出该单词) Warm up G1 G2 G3 G4 weekend hot weather hamburger Wednesday help house wake Let’s read and observe. weekend weather wake Wednesday hot hamburger house help w h wh Warm up Let’s sing and find Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! White whale, white whale, What do you want Whi whi whi whi whi whi~ I want a whistle. White whale, white whale, What do you want Whee whee whee whee whee whee~ I want a wheel. White whale, white whale, What do you want Whi whi whi whi whi whi~ I want a whisper. What’s the same They all have “wh”. Listen and find. Let’s see more words! what when where wh /w/ 半元音 Let’s listen The shape of the mouth. Tips: 双唇缩小向前突出,舌后抬起,嘴唇向两边划开,声带发生振动。 Let’s blend wh ip en eel y ile Let’s choose and spell more words. white wheel why which wheel whip whisper wheat whisker I lost my cap. I can’t find it. Let’s guess a riddle and think. Does “wh” only makes one sound (字母wh组合只能发一种音吗?) What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but not talk What is it Whose clock is it It’s Chen Jie’s. Let’s guess and think I have a good friend. He is a boy. He has short hair and big eyes. He is wearing …today. Who is he He is… Let’s read and find whose who wh /w/ /h/ Let’s blend wh o om ose ole Tips 发音 口型图 发音要领 清辅音/h/ 发音时气流送出口腔,在通过声门时发出轻微摩擦;口型随其后的元音而变化。/h/是清辅音,声带不振动。 Let’s observe and discuss. whose who what when where /w/ /h/ wh 在多数情况下发音为/w/. wh 后接字母o时,一般发音为/h/. Let’s listen and repeat Practice: Point and read. Game time: I say you do. 游戏规则: 选六人一组上台,快速反应。老师随机说单词,如果这个单词含有/w/的音,学生拍手,若含/h/音,则跺脚,都不含则保持不动。最快准确者获胜。 /w/ /h/ other Help the cats go back home who when where whole whose which /w/ /h/ Let’s listen, ask and answer. Where is Sarah’s cat Let’s chant, ask and answer. Can you ask some questions Where What Let’s chant and repeat Where is my cat Where is she Who can find her One, two, three. What does she drink What does she eat Where is she hiding Under my seat. Let’s listen and circle. Pair work: Ask and answer Ask your partner three “wh” questions and write them down. 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ Reading for fun. What can you see Can you read the title Reading for fun. Let’s enjoy the story Let’s enjoy the story Let’s enjoy the story Let’s enjoy the story Let’s enjoy the story Let’s enjoy the story Let’s enjoy the story Let’s enjoy the story A dog runs over. "Look! This is my Whale!" Read and find 《 Whistle for Whale 》 Wally whistles in the morning. "Why do you whistle " "I whistle for my Whale." "What Whale " "W ... ...

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