
Unit6 Work quietly! A Let’s talk 课件(共41张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:53次 大小:44868638Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教版五年级下册 Unit6 Work quietly! A Let’s talk Let’s chant He is, he is, he is running. She is, she is, she is dancing. They are, they are , they are swimming. I am, I am, I am eating. Time Activities Sentences 6:00a.m. 9:00a.m. 11:30a.m. 4:00p.m. 7:30p.m. Chen Jie’s work days What’s Chen Jie doing She’s _____. doing morning exercises It’s 6:00 a.m. A: B: do morning exercises do doing _____. She is / doing morning exercises He is Let's say He’s She’s / She’s doing morning exercises on the playground. in the park. in the living room. It’s 9:00 a.m.now. What’s Chen Jie doing She’s _____. hav class ing e e having English class A: B: What are the students doing They’re _____. have having What are the students doing They’re having _____ class. music English Chinese P.E. art What’s Chen Jie doing She’s _____. eating lunch It’s 11:30 a.m. A: B: eat lunch eat eating He’s eating _____ dinner breakfast at home. lunch at school. What’s Chen Jie doing Look and guess She‘s . She’s . read a book listen to music reading a book listening to music She is reading a book at home. under the tree. in the study. He is listening to music. the ABC song. the Happy Birthday song. Chen Jie’s weekend She is at the zoo with Mike. Listen and tick: What are they doing 听力原文 Mike: Chen Jie: Mike: Chen Jie: Wow! There are so many animals in the zoo. Yes,I love them. Look! The birds are flying. And there is a yellow tiger, too. Yes. It is running very fast! What other animals do they see Watch and answer What other animals do they see A. panda B. monkey C. lion D. elephant What are the pandas doing What are the monkeys doing What are the elephants doing Watch and answer They are eating lunch. They are eating bamboo. 竹子 The little monkey is playing with his mother. The elephant is drinking water. 连读 重音 升降调 Read, check and repeat 连读 重音 升降调 A:它的 B:它 连读 重音 升降调 A:一只 B:任何 What time is it A:in the morning B:at noon C:in the afternoon Read and think Read by yourself Chen Jie: Mike: Chen Jie: Mike: Look at the pandas. What are they doing Haha. They’re eating lunch! They’re so cute. Oh, yes! They like bamboo. Good memory Chen Jie: Mike: Chen Jie: Mike: What’s the little monkey doing It’s playing with its mother! Do you see any elephants Yes! Look there! The elephant is drinking water. Role play and act it out. Let’s talk about Chen Jie’s animal album! album of animals 动物相册 Cute Fido! Look! Fido is eating here. Fido is drinking there. Fido is playing there. Fido is everywhere! Look! The monkeys are brown. They are thin. They have long tails. They are playing. Happy animals! Look! The XX is XX. It is XX. It has XX. It is XX. Can you…? Look! The XX are XX. They are XX. They have XX. They are XX. Can you…? Good news! One of the panda was invited to the winter Olympic Games. Extension Hi, I’m Bing Dwen Dwen. Do you want to see the Olympic Games with me Ch ... ...

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