
译林版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Reading(2)教学设计

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:52次 大小:883438Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《英语》(必修·第三册) Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Reading I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: review the genre knowledge of the news report by awakening previous knowledge; outline the main idea of the news report through the finding of key information in each part; appreciate the qualities of Tu Youyou, visualize the procedures of her experimental procedures and evaluate the contributions of her through in-depth analysis; apprehend the crucial importance of building a community of a shared future for mankind. II. Key competence focus 1. Apply well-rounded thinking competence to participate in various kinds of learning activities; 2. Develop cultural awareness, cross-culture communication abilities and global competence. III. Predicted area of difficulty 1. Clear up the logical sequence of the contents through detailed analysis and then generalize the hidden logical rules. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Background awareness: stimulating reading interest and awakening cultural knowledge T guides students to recite the Chinese version of the poem from The Book of Songs after presenting the English version. What is the corresponding Chinese translation of this poem Can you find something special in this poem related to the passage today (sort of destined relationship between Tu Youyou and qinghaosu) T asks students their knowledge about Tu Youyou. How much do you know about this great woman’s background Birthyear and birthplace Major and career What about her main contributions 【设计意图:用《小雅·鹿鸣》这首诗歌的中英文版本导入,学生得以一探屠呦呦和青蒿素冥冥之中的不解情缘,感悟各自名字所蕴含的偶然巧合和必然期望,描绘本节课的文化底色,激发阅读兴趣。其次,以标签的视觉形象,提炼关于人物的背景知识,揭开人物的面纱,逐步走进人物形象。】 Step 2 Structure analysis: reviewing genre knowledge of the news report 1. T asks students the text type of this passage and describe the general features of this text type What is the most typical feature of this genre (inverted pyramid) What can this genre be divided into (lead, body and tail) 【设计意图:语篇类型是英语课程的六大要素之一,语篇知识是构成学生语言能力的重要基础。这篇文本具有鲜明的新闻体裁的特点,学生在之前的英语学习过程中对新闻体裁已有所了解,激活并巩固新闻报道常见结构等语篇知识是必修课程阶段重要内容要求之一。】 Step 3 Content analysis: skimming for the main idea of each part and explaining how to find it. T presents the 4 parts of this passage and asks students to generalize the main idea of each part, employing the first paragraph as the example. What is the main idea of this part and where do you find the answer (Tip: finding topic sentence) If Part. 1 shows the most important information in this passage, what about other parts Again, what sequence do the information in these parts follow (inverted pyramid) 【设计意图:学生的学习能力的发展离不开学习策略的有效使用。通过扫读获得篇章具体信息是实践认知策略的表现,因此在授课过程中注重基于语篇归纳内容 ... ...

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