
山东省潍坊市昌邑市2023-2024学年九年级上学期开学英语试题 (图片版 含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:72次 大小:13385344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级英语参考答案 一、阅读理解(共11小题;每小题2分,满分22分) 1-3 BBD 4-7BCCD 8-11 ECAD 二、语言知识运用(共20小题;满分40分) 12-16 ACBBA 17-21 DCDAC 22. were playing 23. excited 24. filled 25. were caught 26.more 27. brought 28.wishes 29. something 30. to speak 31. will meet 三、翻译句子(共3小题;每小题3分,满分9分) 32. Thanks to our great country, we can live in peace/peacefully. 33.There’s nothing to worry about as long as you work hard. 34. The more exercise you do, the healthier you will be. 四、阅读表达(共5小题;满分19分。其中第35小题3分,其余每小题4分) 35. About /Around 100 pieces 36. To train students to live an eco-friendly life. 37. 为了帮助清理社区,学校开始鼓励学生带塑料废品当学费。(意思对即可得分) 38. Students need to earn money in school, learning and earning. 39. (1) Get the habit of living an eco-friendly life. (答案合理即可得分) (2) Learn more skills and knowledge. (Realize the importance of skills and knowledge./ The more skills and knowledge you have, the more you can be paid.) (3) Behave like a model person/man. (4) Improve/build his confidence. 五、写作(满分20分) 参考范文 (One possible version) 评分标准 第一档 (20—17分) 完全符合题目要求,表达清楚,信息完整,语言通顺,语意连贯,字数达标,基本或完全没有语言错误。 第二档 (16—14分) 符合题目要求,表达基本清楚,信息较完整,语言基本通顺,语意基本连贯。有少量语言错误,但不影响整体理解。 第三档 (13—10分) 基本符合题目要求,表达不够清楚,信息不够完整,语言欠通顺,有部分语言错误影响整体理解。 第四档 (9—6分) 部分内容符合题目要求,内容不完整,表达不清楚,信息不完整,有较多语言错误,所写内容难以理解。 第五档 (5—0分) 与题目有关的内容不多,不能表达自己的思想。只是简单拼凑提示词语或抄写其他文本内容的。 Dear Tina I’m sorry to hear that you are in trouble. In my opinion, you needn’t give up playing the guitar. But as a student, schoolwork is also important. You should manage your time well. Here I want to give you some advice. First, make a list of study plan and follow it. Second, play the guitar only on weekends. Third, make good use of your free time. For example, you can spend less time watching TV every night and spend more time studying. I believe you will do better in your next exam. Li Hua, China

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