
外研版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 Stage and screen Using language 课前预习练(含答案)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:75次 大小:216064Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课前预习记录: 月 日 星期 Unit 4 Stage and screen 4.2 Using language Ⅰ. 语法填空 1. When _____(leave) the airport, they waved again and again to us. 2. _____(work) for a whole day, the secretary looked exhausted. 3. For nearly three hours we waited for the decision, only _____(tell) to return the next day. 4. Not _____(know) her address, we can’t get in touch with her. 5. Though _____(lack) a little confidence, he finished the speech successfully. 6. _____(talk) to, you should look into the eyes of the person. 7. _____(show) around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest. 8. _____(write) an important letter, I listened to the music for a while. 9. _____(judge) from his expression, he was frightened of spiders. 10. After dinner, I took a cup of juice and sat on the sofa in the dining room, _____ (stare) at the lawns lying outside the window. Ⅱ. 句型转换 1. When Alice turned around, she saw a smiling face. →_____, Alice saw a smiling face. 2. Because he didn’t finish his homework, Jack was asked to go to the teacher’s office. →_____ his homework, Jack was asked to go to the teacher’s office. 3. If you take your father’s advice, you can finish the task on schedule. →_____, you can finish the task on schedule. 4. His parents got killed in the earthquake and left him an orphan. →His parents got killed in the earthquake, _____. 5. After waiting in the queue for half an hour, Joey realized that he had left his wallet at home. →_____ in the queue for half an hour, Joey realized that he had left his wallet at home. Ⅲ. 完成句子 1. _____, the boy jumped for joy. 听到这个令人激动的消息, 小男孩高兴地跳了起来。 2. _____, he began to go over his lessons. 关掉电视机以后, 他便开始复习功课。 3. _____, I might as well telephone her to come over. 不知道她的地址, 我只好打电话通知她来。 4. _____, you are to succeed. 如果你努力学习, 就一定能成功。 5. He walked down the river, _____. 他沿着河流一边走, 一边轻轻地唱。 6. The train was held up by the snowstorm, thus _____. 火车被暴风雪阻挡, 因此造成晚点。 IV.用括号内动词的适当形式填空   Last weekend, I 1. _____(walk) into our local bookshop. 2. _____(buy) a book, I decided 3. _____(take) the bus home, because it was quite a long walk home. When 4. _____(get) on the bus, I was 5. _____(surprise) to see an old friend of mine. We started 6. _____(talk) and I hardly realized that I had arrived at my stop. 7. _____(stand) up, I cried, “Please wait! This is my stop! ” I got off the bus, 8. _____(smile) happily. Then, suddenly 9. _____(realize) I had left my book behind on the bus, I shouted, “Stop, please! ” But it was too late. The bus had gone away, 10. _____(take) my book with it. 参考答案 Ⅰ. 1. When leaving(leave) the airport, they waved again and again to us. 2. Having worked(work) for a whole day, the secretary looked exhausted. 3. For nearly three hours we waited for the decision, only to be told(tell) to return the next day. 4. Not knowing(know) her address, we can’t get in touch w ... ...

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