
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The Internet Listening and Speaking & Pronuncition 公开课课件(共16张PPT,内镶嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:91次 大小:27802051Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 The Internet 人教版(2019)必修二 Listening and Speaking&Pronounciation Learning objectives By the end of th eclass, you will be able to 1.know how to express your online habits; 2.learn a new tip for listening--listen for definition; 3.distinguish content words and function words and read sentences with correct stress. 互联网正成为明日的地球村的闹市广场。 --比尔·盖茨 闹市广场 shopping online chat with friends/family Wetchat mobile payment/Alipay look up/find information play games listen to music online activities Pre-listening What do you like to do online in daily life _____ write a blog post _____ use a search engine _____ chat online _____ stream movies and music B C D A Pre-listening Look at the online activities in the box and match them with the pictures. Then tick the pictures of the activities that you like to do when you are online. a blog post stream Listen to the conversation and complete the table. Name Time spent online every day Online activities Reasons for using the Internet Anna _____ videos and music _____ information _____ friends _____ and _____ (adj) Paul _____ to find _____, videos and pictures. to do _____; _____ Joe While-listening two or three hours two hours or more at least an hour stream look up chat with use a search engine information write blog posts cheap easy homework helpful to write something interesting Sam's survey 1. A blog _____ an online diary where you write about something you’re interested in. _____, I like basketball, so I write a lot on my blog about my favourite team. 2. I stream videos and music, _____, I watch videos and listen to music online. 3. A search engine _____that helps you find what you’re look for. is like For example While-listening Listen again and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. is like For example That is is a tool A tip for listening How are the words in italics(斜体) defined is like For example A. Use simpler words. ( ) B. Use an example. ( ) C. Compare to something. ( ) While-listening stream blog search engine A tip for listening Listen for definitions(定义) When you hear a word you don’t know, pay attention to the next sentence or two to see if there is a definition. Definitions often begins with words like “it’s like”, “that is” or “for example”. is like For example While-listening ways to express definition ways to express definition that is(to say);namely; in other words;that means for example; such as; for instance be/look like Take turns to ask each other about your online habits. A: How much time do you spend online every day B: Oh, it’s hard to say. Sometimes I’m too busy to go online. Sometimes I spend more than four hours online. How about you A: It depends. I’d say from half an hour to three hours. B: What do you usually do online A: I listen to music, stream videos, or look up information. And you B: Lots of things. I especially like to chat with my friends and family. ... ...

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