
Unit 1 Spring Is Coming 完形填空(含解析)冀教版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:33次 大小:305487Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 Spring Is Coming 完形填空(含解析)冀教版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训 The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides a year into 24 Solar Terms (节气). The Spring Equinox which is 1 chunfen in Chinese usually falls 2 March 20 or March 21 every year. Standing an egg upright is a 3 game across the country during the Spring Equinox. People practice this tradition to celebrate the 4 of spring. It is believed that 5 someone can make the egg stand, he will have good luck in the future. It’s 6 a good time to fly kites. In ancient times, people did not have good medical resources (资源). 7 they wrote their medical 8 on a paper kite to ask for good health. When the 9 was in the air, people would 10 the line to let the paper kite fly away, which means the flying away of diseases. 1.A.set B.called C.marked D.held 2.A.on B.in C.at D.between 3.A.strict B.useful C.popular D.harmful 4.A.coming B.ending C.moving D.stopping 5.A.whether B.what C.though D.if 6.A.too B.either C.also D.just 7.A.or B.so C.but D.because 8.A.causes B.problems C.information D.news 9.A.calendar B.egg C.luck D.kite 10.A.hold on B.turn on C.take off D.cut off Some countries have suffered from the coldest weather in history. Icy storms have 11 temperatures down to 57℃ below zero. We know that human body is not designed for such cold weather. People in polar areas get used to cold weather, 12 most of us have no experience to live in such 13 temperatures. What happens when we get 14 The human body has to keep the most important central parts warm, until it can find some kind of 15 and cover. The body is keeping its warm blood close to the center and stops 16 blood for the end of our hands and feet. That’s why we feel pains in our 17 and toes when we feel seriously cold. When skin is open to very cold air, the short of warm blood can 18 to hurt from coldness. So we learn from some animals living in cold areas such as polar bears. Scientists working in polar areas, for example, dress in warm clothes which keep warm air close to the body like 19 does. The bad weather brings some problems to the life of people. The electricity is 20 off because of the weight of the ice. That’s very inconvenient. 11.A.pulled B.taken C.brought D.knocked 12.A.so B.but C.because D.though 13.A.cold B.high C.warm D.low 14.A.tired B.hungry C.excited D.cold 15.A.warmth B.pleasure C.light D.safety 16.A.making B.providing C.adding D.spreading 17.A.heads B.arms C.fingers D.ears 18.A.come B.get C.move D.lead 19.A.meat B.fat C.fur D.house 20.A.put B.stopped C.cut D.set Bill and Cathy wanted to go on a holiday. They chose a place called Maldives (马尔代夫). And they decided to 21 there for two weeks in spring, because they heard that the weather there was perfect at that time. They worked very hard for several 22 . Finally, they made enough money for their dream 23 . But their trip was more ... ...

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