
Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 3 Everyone had a good time.课时作业(含答案 4份打包)2023-2024学年仁爱版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:81次 大小:77946Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 7 Topic 3 Section D 【基础性作业】 一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子 1.—Could he     (照顾) h   at the a   of six 2.—Tom, I want to     (检查)  your homework. —Sorry, I f  to do it last night. 3.You should w   your hands before dinner. 4.The little girl     (落下) down just now. 5.Jane made a w   at her birthday. 【拓展性作业】 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 6.Mike昨天在Tina的生日聚会上玩得很开心。 Mike            Tina's birthday party yesterday. 7.———你读过这本书吗 ———是的,我两周前看过了。 —Did you read this book —Yes! I read it            . 8.昨天,Mike和其他一些朋友来参加我的聚会。 Yesterday, Mike and             came to my party. 9.Jack手工制作了一个飞机模型。 Jack made a model plane        . 10.谢谢你给我带来这么多漂亮的礼物。 Thank you for     me so many beautiful presents. 【综合性作业】 三、阅读理解 Bob is eleven years old. One day, his friend Jenny said to him, “I'm going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Bob, can you come ” Bob asked his mother, and his mother said,“Yes, you can go. ” On Saturday afternoon, his mother said to him again, “Now, Bob, when you go to the party, you must be polite (礼貌的), and don't ask for food until someone gives it to you.” “All right, Mom.” Bob said, and he went to Jenny's house by bike. There were many children at the party. They played games for about an hour, and then Jenny's mother gave them some food, but she forgot Bob and didn't give him any food. After a long time, he took up his plate (盘子) and said loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate ” ( )11.How old is Bob A.Nine.    B.Ten. C.Eleven. D.We don't know. ( )12.When was the birthday party A.On Saturday. B.On Sunday. C.On Friday. D.On Monday. ( )13.How did Bob go to Jenny's house A.On foot. B.By taxi. C.By bike. D.By boat. ( )14.Whose birthday is it A.Bob's. B.Bob's mother's. C.Jenny's mother's. D.Jenny's. ( )15.Why did Bob take up his plate A.Because he wanted others to look at his clean plate. B.Because he had a nice clean plate. C.Because he wanted some food. D.Because his plate was very clean. 2 参考答案 Section D 基础性作业 1.look after himself age 2.check forgot 3.wash 4.fell 5.wish 拓展性作业 6.enjoyed himself at 7.two weeks ago 8.some other friends 9.by hand 10.bringing 综合性作业 11~15 CACDC 2Unit 7 Topic 3 Section C 【基础性作业】 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Jim made a    (wonder) wish just now. 2.My sister     (do) her homework yesterday evening. 3.She    (forget) to tell me the news yesterday. 4.It was a     (sun) day yesterday. 5.—Look! Tom is having lunch. —Yes, he often    (have) lunch at half past twelve. 【拓展性作业】 二、按要求完成下列各题 6.My mother bought me a book yesterday.(改为同义句) My mother   a book   me yesterday. 7.We all had a good time last Sunday.(改为同义句)           had a good time last Sunday. 8.There is a book.Some beautiful pictures are in it.(合并为一句话) 9.We liked the party because it was ... ...

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