
人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career Language points课件(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:22次 大小:942096Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Language points Unit 5 Launching Your Career 搭配回顾 1.领先 2.适合 3.决定 4....是有必要的 5.锻炼,解决,计算 6.花时间做... 7.思考,考虑 8.蹦来蹦去 9.对...有所了解 10. 适合 head start be appropriate for decide on It is essential that... work out take time to do ... think about bounce around get some insight on be suited to 搭配回顾 11.为某人提供... 12.回顾 13.多年之后 14.担任 15.分配 16.建一个代码 17.基于 18.作...用 19....的秘密 20.对...热情 provide sb.with sth. look back in years to come work as divide up make a code be based on be meant for the secret to be passionate about 短语学习 :work out 1. WORKING OUT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO 弄清楚你想做什么 1) manage to find the solution by thinking or talking about it 想出,得到(解决方法);解(谜) eg To work out the chemical problem, he turned to the chemist for help. 为了解决那个化学问题,他向那位化学家求助。 2) calculate the answer to a mathematical problem 计算,算出 eg I’m working out the tuition fee I pay every term. 我在计算我每个学期要交的学费。 短语学习:work out 3) to add up to a particular amount 算下来是(某数额) eg The rent works out at nearly 20 pounds a week. 租金算下来差不多是20镑一周。 4) turn out 产生结果,成功地发展 eg Everything worked out well in the end. 事情结果很不错。 5) do physical exercises in order to keep fit 锻炼,做运动 eg I go to the sports club and work out once a week. 我一周去一次体育俱乐部锻炼。 短语学习:work out 翻译句子 1) 他们必须尽快制定出一个计划来。 They must work out a plan as quickly as possible. 2) 她正在健身房锻炼身体。 She’s working out in the gym. 3) 你算出答案了吗? Have you worked out the answer 4) 事态没有像我们期待的那样发展。 Things didn’t work out as we had expected. 短语学习:bounce around 2. Some people know what they want to do from a young age, but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads. 有些人年轻时就清楚自己想做什么,但更多的人往往是只有一些想法在脑子里晃来晃去。 bounce vi.&vt. something immediately moves up or away from a surface after hitting it; to move up and down (使)弹起;蹦;上下晃动 n. the ability to move up and down on a surface; the action of moving up and down on a surface; a lot of energy that someone has 弹性;弹跳;活力 短语学习:bounce around bounce around 蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去 bounce back 恢复健康(或信心等);重整旗鼓 bounce off 弹开,(声光)反弹;从……弹跳出来 bounce into 蹦蹦跳跳进入;猛然冲进; bounce sb (from sth.) 解雇;开除;撵走 完成句子 1) Short sound waves _____ even small objects. 2) After starting a fight, he was _____ the pub. 3) He _____ the room and shouted at me. bounce off bounced from bounced into 短语学习:bounce around 4) 这些球已经没有多少弹性了。 There’s not _____ _____ left in these balls. 5) 我们关于书的封面设计的想法在脑海里晃来晃去。 We were _____ some ideas _____ for the design of the book’s cover. 6) 他遭遇过很多挫折,但他似乎总能很快地振作起来。 He’s had a lot of problems, but he always seems to ... ...

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