
人教新目标(Go for it)版七年级下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?Section A 1a-2d 课件(共26张PPT,含内嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:12次 大小:9182289Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A 1a-2d Acticities went to the cinema played badminton camped by the lake went to the beach Lead in did her homework went boating visited her grandma studied for the test —What did you do last weekend —I … visited grandparents played computer games stayed at home and watched TV —What did you do last weekend —I … listened to music practiced playing the piano studied for the math test Look and say What did Lucy do last week do her homework Example: A: What did Lucy do last weekend B: She did her homework. go to the cinema A: What did Lucy do last weekend B: She went to the cinema. go boating A: What did Lucy do last weekend B: She went boating. camp by the lake A: What did Lucy do last weekend B: She camped by the lake. go to the beach A: What did Lucy do last weekend B: She went to the beach. play badminton A: What did Lucy do last weekend B: She played badminton. Simple past tense 动词原形 do one’s homework go to the cinema go boating camp by the lake go to the beach play badminton 动词过去式 did one’s homework went to the cinema went boating camped by the lake went to the beach played badminton 1. did my homework ___ 2. went to the cinema ___ 3. went boating ___ 4. camped by the lake ___ 5. went to the beach ___ 6. played badminton ___ a b c d f e Match the activities with the pictures. 1a Listen and write the day, morning, afternoon or night below each picture. Sunday _____ Saturday _____ Saturday _____ _____ night Sunday _____ _____ morning night afternoon morning Saturday afternoon Sunday 1b Listen again and fill in the blanks. On Saturday morning, Lucy played _____. In the afternoon, she _____ to the beach. At night, she went to the _____. On Sunday morning, she _____ by the lake with her friends. On Sunday afternoon, she _____ boating. And at night, She _____ her homework. badminton went cinema camped went did Role-play. Student A is Lucy. Student B asks Lucy about her weekend. B: What did you do last weekend, Lucy A: Well, on Saturday morning, I played badminton. Pair work 1c Listen and underline the words you hear. 1. I visited my (aunt / grandma). 2. I did my (homework / sports). 3. I studied for the (English / math) test. 4. I went to a (farm / beach). 5. I fed some (sheep / cows). _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ 2a Listen again. Write C for Carol, J for Jack or B for Becky next to the statements in 2a. 1. ___ I visited my grandma. 2. ___ I did my homework. 3. ___ I studied for the English test. 4. ___ I went to a farm. 5. ___ I fed some cows. B B C J J 2b Student A asks questions with who, what or where and Student B answers. Then change roles. 2c Pair work Read the conversation and answer the questions. 1. How was Lisa’s weekend 2. Where did she go 3. What did she do there 4. What did Paul do last weekend It was great. She went to the Natural History Museum. She worked as a guide there. He stayed up late to watch the socc ... ...

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