
高教版(2021)基础模块2 Part6 Unit5 Ancient Civilization教案(表格式)

日期:2024-05-13 科目:英语 类型:教案 查看:26次 大小:23638Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 题 Unit 5 Ancient Civilization (Culture Understanding& Group Work) 课 型 Culture Understanding and Group Work 课 时 1 授课班级 授课时间 45mins 授课教师 教材分析 本课教学内容选自高等教育-出卷网-出版的“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材,《英语2 基础模块》中第五单元的Culture Understanding and Group Work板块,要求学生拓展阅读,了解马可波罗、他在中国的生活经历和他的游记,以及他的书对东西方文化交流和沟通的重要意义。是继古文明丝绸之路后对这条路上重要人物的说明介绍,激发学生对古代东西方文化交流发挥重要作用人物的敬意。小组活动中了解莫高窟的基本信息,完成真实任务时搜集更多莫高窟的信息(图片和介绍),坚定民族文化自信,积极弘扬和传播中华文明。 学情分析 学生已经在Unit1 Travel中对马可波罗作为旅行家进行过学习,对人物有一定了解,本节拓展更多他的相关资料,学生有介绍人物类说明文的基础,学习积极性高,教师可以把两部分内容相结合有效拓展,并且加入同时期的其他重要人物进行对比教学。小组活动中对莫高窟的基本信息归类,并通过网络搜集更多去信息介绍莫高窟,再完成设计幻灯片的任务,让学生进一步加深对中国古代文明和历史文明文化瑰宝的理解,同时培养学生的团队合作能力和创新能力。 学习目标 Knowledge objectives: To grasp the following:one of the most famous Europeans 、merchant、question、inspire、in this sense. To be able to know about Marco Polo and Mogao Caves. Ability objectives: To expand the students knowledge. To be able to introduce Mogao Caves in different ways. Emotional objectives: To strengthen cultural confidence. To know the importance of the key person and things in ancient civilization. 学习重难点 1)To collect related information and introduce Mogao Caves in different ways. 2)To use objective clause correctly while introducing . 教学方法 小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法 课前准备 PPT课件,图片 教学媒体 PPT课件、多媒体设备等 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动设计 学生活动设计 设计意图 Step 1: Lead in Review the sentences in the reading part to lead to the three persons.(Zheng He,Gan Ying,Marco Polo).Discuss the three men and review Marco Polo ,who have been learned in Unit1. a traveler from Italy At the age of17,he set out on his first trip. The Travels of Marco Polo Read the sentences to pay attention to the person in each one.Then discuss them (Give the students some minutes to discuss and show their ideas.) Read the information and take some notes. 复习句子和人物相关信息,熟悉的知识简单易得,激发学习兴趣,为接下来的文本材料阅读做准备。 Step 2: Culture Understanding Read the text and learn some words and phrases: one of the most famous Europeans merchant Question Inspire in this sense 2.Read the article to answer:How did Marco Polo and his book bring the West and the East closer together Show some reasons to support the answer. 3.Work in group to discuss:What can we do to spread the Chinese Civilization actively in today’s information age as a teenager 1.Master the new words and phrases to understand the text better.Take some notes to help learn them easily. Find the reason from the article and answer it.Work in pairs to solve the problem and tell your reasons in class. Di ... ...

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