
牛津译林版(2019)选修四Unit 2 Understanding each other Extended reading课时精练四(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:54次 大小:133366Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Before arriving in China in 2017,I had read various books relating to China,and the seeds of my fascination were sown. Therefore,when I arrived,I couldn’t have been more excited to be living in this huge historically and culturally rich country.The food,the landmarks,the mega cities and everyday life—I couldn’t wait to explore. Yet despite my enthusiasm,learning Chinese hadn’t even entered my mind.This wasn’t ignorance or laziness,but rather fear at the prospect of attempting to learn what is regarded as the most difficult language in the world.Besides this,I was living in Shanghai,an international city,with many people speaking English as a second language—I decided English would suffice. However,after a year in China I began to observe that while many expats did not speak Chinese,there were plenty who did.Perhaps it was achievable after all In addition I felt uncomfortable with how many Chinese people could speak English and yet I couldn’t even speak the most basic Chinese.With these factors in mind and a thirst for a new challenge,I decided to begin my language journey and my only regret is that I didn’t start earlier. Learning to speak Chinese isn’t as insurmountable as I once assumed.When I speak to native Chinese speakers in Chinese,they almost always understand me,I have also not found it too difficult to remember characters and I am now even able to write over 400 characters.The thing I find most challenging is listening since native speakers talk at such a speed.I can’t always understand what’s been said. My biggest takeaway from learning Chinese is that it’s not only doable but can also be enjoyable.Learning Chinese not only helped me in day-to-day life,but deepened my cultural understanding of such a diverse and fascinating country.So,to all my non-Chinese friends I say this,embrace the challenge and take the leap of faith. 1.Why didn’t the author learn Chinese when he arrived in China in 2017 A.He showed no enthusiasm for China. B.He was unwilling to make the effort. C.He resisted learning a second language. D.He avoided doing something difficult. 2.What caused the author to learn Chinese A.His regret about starting learning late. B.Support from many expats around him. C.Eagerness to rise to the challenge. D.A thirst to prove his gift for language. 3.What does the underlined word “insurmountable” in the 5th paragraph mean A.Valueless. B.Difficult. C.Unnecessary. D.Unacceptable. 4.What can we learn from the author’s experience A.Love breaks down barriers. B.Hard work pays off. C.Persistence is the key to success. D.Bravery opens up a new world. B Every Saturday,Wang Fokun travels 40 minutes to watch a movie with friends.Wang,64,lost his sight in his early 50s after experiencing a high degree of nearsightedness,but in the past two years,a “talking film” club has enabled him to regain his love for the cinema. The club is held in Kunming,where volunteers give vivi ... ...

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