
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Understanding each other 单元知识滚动练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:56次 大小:104708Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 复习强化 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The knowledgeable scientist resigned after being (怀疑) of dealing with criminals to leak the company’s information. 2.I have f his bad behavior because I think I should put myself in his shoes. 3.He cited some examples to indicate that many old people are often c into buying something they don’t really need. 4.If you are interested in it,you can visit the enterprise’s website to sign up before the d . 5.It is a fact that his ability to decode the secret codes a our attention. 6.What made the linguist angry was that his son p to be studying hard. 7.H crops in the field accounted for his brown skin and rough hands. Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.We can rely on that he can gain success by his hard work. 2.It is worthwhile (cooperate) with the enterprise. 3.At the foot of the mountain (lie) a small village,where the linguist was born. 4.It (be) three years since the local kindergarten was set up. 5.Have a straightforward attitude you can get on well with those around you. 6.He is annoyed enough (scream) in an angry tone. 7.I feel greatly (privilege) to deliver a speech on how to improve your handwriting. Unit 2 巩固落实 Ⅲ.单词拼写 1.After entering the hall,she f the wrap up and put it in her parcel. 2.My nephew usually c with the well-known specialist by e-mail. 3.The geophysicist has been studying these newly collected data with the intention of o new discoveries. 4.What made me rejoice was that my plan got (批准). 5.In principle,the abstract theory can be (阐明) in this simple way. 6.These volunteers are (商定) with each other about garbage sorting. 7.I was (尴尬的) to find that I was the only one without a bonus. 8.Likewise,he has difficulty (背诵) so many English words. Ⅳ.单句语法填空 1.Anyhow,I won’t tolerate you (lie) to me whenever it is. 2.He barely behaved (good) and his parents exploded with extreme annoyance. 3.I am blessed with a good chance to participate in the activity intended (strengthen) our physical and mental health. 4.What made me discouraged was that I was not suitable (take) on the task. 5.Nowadays more and more teenagers have a (tend) to be at the mercy of smartphones. 6.Likewise,he reacted the current policies positively and enthusiastically. 7.Not only he but also I (be) disappointed with the final outcome we have heard. Ⅴ.完成句子 1.Research has shown that can result in obesity. 研究表明,偏爱垃圾食品会导致肥胖。 2.The boy is . 这个男孩不仅聪明而且很幽默。 3. the value of knowledge. 我们决不应该忽视知识的价值。 4. ,I am writing to ask a favor from you. 鉴于你有相关的经验,我写信请求你的帮助。 5.It is by taking part in the activity . 正是通过参加这次活动,我才真正意识到劳动的重要性。 Ⅵ.单元语法———单句语法填空 1.The child had a fever every night, worried his parents very much. 2.The boss of the enterprise is trying to create an easy atmosphere the employees enjoy their work. 3.The man you shook hands with just now is our English teacher. 4.I am looking ... ...

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