ID: 19312261

中职英语 高级版(2021)基础模块2 Unit6 Craftsmanship课时练(含答案)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:试卷 查看:74次 大小:69521B 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit6 Craftsmanship 同步练习 英汉互译: The craftsman spirit 工匠精神 Craftsman of the Nation民族工匠 assemble装配;集合 Carry forward发扬;推进 hairdresser美发师 Fashion designer时装设计师 The goal of watchmakers制表人的目标 a unique tradition独特的传统 Persistent pursuit坚持不懈的追求 Senior technician高级技工 Keep up with跟上;赶上 Make breakthroughs取得突破 Dance to music伴着音乐舞蹈 Art apprentice system艺术学徒制 Achieve excellence取得卓越成就 与......有联系be connected to 把.....看作为see/regard/ 主修major in 耐用的durable 与......有关be related to 集中于focus to 从前once upon a time 坚持练习keep practicing 职业道德work ethic 耳语whisper 连续不断的continuous 从事take up 终于in the end 争取,奋斗strive for 代表stand for 填入适当的动词形式完成被动句。 The street is cleaned (clean)many times every day. Look at the trees on both sides of the street.They were planted (plant)last spring. It’s believed that tea was brought (bring)to Korea and Japan from China during 6th and 7th century. If you use mobile phone while driving ,you will be caght (catch)by police. Look at the picture! The top five TV plays are listed (list)in it. Children mustn’t be allowed (allow) to play balls on the road. The old story has been told (tell) many times by the father. A new library is being built (build)in our school this term. A number of visitors are made (make) to pay more money while travelling. The housework can be finished (can finish)on time because of his coming. 将下列词语正确分类。 Creation carver fashion designer patience cook keep practicing Engineer determination welder courage persistence nurse friendly Hairdresser dedicated loyal perfection artisan carpenter tailor occupations qualities Carver fashion designer cook Engineer welder nurse Hairdresser artisan carpenter tailor Creation patience keep practicing Determination courage persistence Friendly dedicated perfection loyal 将下列主动句改为被动句。 We often use a recorder in our English class. A recorder is often used by us in our English class. Can you finish it in two hours Can it be finished by you in two hours They always see him help his classmates. He is always saw to help his classmates by them. He has learned English for 10 year. English has been learned by him for 10 years. The students should learn all the texts by hearts. All the texts should be learned by hearts by the students. Who is repairing the bike Whom is the bike being repaired by They will show a new film next week. A new film will be shown next week by them. You must turn off the light before you go to bed. The light must be turned off before you go to bed. Will your mother take a gift this evening Will a gift be taken this evening by your mother When did they build the house When was the house built by them 选择合适的单词或短语补全句子。 Persistent standard achieve butcher creative Workshop impressive ordinary patent whisper Even ordinary people can become excellence. The cook has practice butchering the cow for n ... ...

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