
津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Understanding each other学案(6份打包)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:40次 大小:3206307Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 2 Understanding each other Period 1  读前清障 Ⅰ.1.C 2.F 3.G 4.E 5.A 6.D 7.B Ⅱ.1.put yourself in their shoes 2.functions as 3.account for 4.approved of 5. give serious consideration to 6.depends on 精读课文 Step 1 Ⅰ.B Ⅱ.Para.1 F  Para.2 B  Para.3 E  Para.4 C  Para.5 A  Para.6 D Step 2 Ⅰ.1.A 2.B Ⅱ.A Ⅲ.1.D 2.D Ⅳ.1.B 2.C Ⅴ.D Ⅵ.1.settle differences and disagreements appropriately 2.interactions with others 3.build trust and gain other people’s respect 4.to become more positive and productive Ⅶ.D Step 4 1.but 2.whom 3.using 4.equally 5.be ignored 6.expression 7.is 8.To engage 9.for 10.Effective Step 5 1.主从复合 what 定语 宾语 我们沟通的许多内容不仅取决于我们所使用的词语,还取决于我们如何运用它们。 2.主从复合 状语 宾语 宾语 宾语 根据你是否在跟一位陌生人、朋友、家人或同事沟通,你将需要决定哪种沟通渠道最适合当下的情况。 3.主从复合 时间状语 部分倒装 宾语 只有当你认真考虑他们的想法时才能了解他们为什么有这样的情绪,并与他们产生共鸣。 4.主从复合 宾语 宾语 非限制性定语 你可能不赞同他们的想法,但至少你会明白这些想法是从何而来,这意味着你可以相应地调整自己的语气和措辞。 Period 2 基础知识巩固 Ⅰ.1.obtaining 2.straightforward 3.clarify 4.feedback 5.reacted 6.tone 7.Friction 8.gaining 9.sympathy 10.mail Ⅱ.1.competence;competent 2.approved;approval 3.knowledgeable 4.negotiation 5.suitable 6.gently 7.precisely 8.folded Ⅲ.1.She advised me not to say anything unless asked. 2.can we solve this problem 3.Staying in the seashore for a time 4.where we had been 核心考点突破 1.(1)reaction (2)against (3)reactions (4)with (5)when we react to emergencies in life calmly 2.(1)suitable (2)suit your needs;they suit/are suited to/are suitable for you (3)is suitable to take on;suit exchange students to the new surroundings in our school 3.(1)negotiation (2)how to negotiate and cooperate with other students for/about some urgent matters 4.(1)sympathetic;for (2)you are in sympathy with my proposal (3)Out of sympathy for (4)①was sympathetic to/towards/with the poor ②had sympathy for the poor 5.(1)for (2)on account of an unexpected heavy rain;On no account would we (3)you could take my application into account/consideration 6.(1)disapproval (2)approved of the twins’ cooking a Mother’s Day breakfast;an approving nod;meeting with Dad’s approval (3)①if you could approve our proposal ②if you could give approval to our proposal 7.(1)am (2)not only the political center but also the economic center (3)①not only enabled us to identify different plants on campus ②Not only did the activity “Getting to Know the Plants Around Us” enable us to identify different plants on campus 高考热点微练 Ⅰ.1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B Ⅱ.1.集中 2.比得上 Period 3 语境感悟 1.①④⑤⑥⑦ ②③ 2.①②③④⑤⑦ ⑥ which 达标检测 1.when 2.why 3.where 4.whose 5.whom/which 6.that/which 7.who 8.which 9.which 10.As Period 4 细读文本 Activity 1  1.Chinese has been included in the educat ... ...

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