
外研版 九年级下册 Module 1 Travel Unit 2 It's a long story.课件(共35张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:1822917Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 1 Travel Unit 2 It's a long story Let's play a guessing game. When you see the picture, please guess the word. officer n.军官;官员;警察 sir n.先生, 长官 jacket n.短上衣;夹克 Eg. The weather is too hot, I want to _____ (脱下,脱去) the jacket. take off /' fis / /'d kit/ take off 起飞 卸载 休假 They are_____ at the police station. officers Pre-reading: When they say goodbye to each other, what will they say _____ (告别用语)多保重 How I am, I made the same mistake again. stupid /'stu:p d/ take care (告别用语)多保重 n. 先生;长官 n. 军官;官员;警察 adj. 笨的;糊涂的 脱去 n. 短上衣;夹克 take care sir officer stupid take off jacket /'stu:p d/ /' fis / /'d kit/ /s , s :/ Read the words after the tape Look at the expressions from the play in Activity 2. What do you think the play will be about 1. …gets up and starts to… 2. …looks for his ticket… 3. …goes past people… 4. … gets on the train… on the bus/ train/ plane/ coach it might be a place full of people Journey While-reading: Read the play and number(给…标号) the expressions in the order they appear. Task 1 □1. …get up and starts to… □ 3….goes past people… □ 2. …looks for his ticket… □ 4. …gets on the train… 1 2 3 4 Fast-reading : Skip (跳读) to find the key words,then number the expressions. While-reading: Read and choose the correct answer. Task 2 Where are Li Lin and Li Wei a) They are at home c) They are on the train. b) They are at the railway station d) They are in the car. Who is Li Wei a) She is Li Lin’s sister. c) He is Li Lin’s father. b) She is Li Lin’s friend. d) He is Li Lin’s classmate. 3. Why is the elderly man sitting in Lin’s seat a) Because he did not buy a ticket. c) Because he thinks it is his seat. b) Because he was too tired to move d) Because he can’t find his seat. 读题,圈出关键词; 读文本,了解文本大意的同时,圈出关键词所在的位置 ; 做题,依据文本,归纳答案 While-reading: careful-reading: 4. What does the elderly man want to do a) Take the seat c) Change seats with Li Lin b) Go and find Car 9 d) Buy another ticket 5. What does Li Lin decide to do a) Take the seat from the elderly man c) Change seats with the elderly man b) Ask the ticket officer for help d) Get off the train 6. Who does Li Lin meet in Car 9 a) Li Wei c) His friend b) Another elderly man d) His classmate careful-reading: Task 2 Task 3 1. Li Lin will not come back until the Spring Festival. 2. The elderly man hears Li Lin’s words clearly at the beginning. 3. The ticket officer checks the elderly man’s ticket and finds him taken a wrong seat. 4. Li Lin is a stupid boy. 5. Wen Peng is not surprised to see Li Lin on the train. doesn’t hear good / While-reading: Watch and enjoy the long story, try your best to understand it. Post-reading: Post-reading: Task 1 It's a long story. Retell the long story according to the mind map. On the station platform Li Lin is going on a trip. After saying goodbye to his sis ... ...

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