
仁爱科普版七年级下册Unit 5 Our school life Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway. Section B课件(共54张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:17次 大小:25903198Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) weekday [ wi:kde ] n.工作日 bird [b :d] n.鸟 worm [w :m] n.软体虫,蠕虫(尤指蚯蚓) park [pɑ:k] n.公园;v.停(汽) television [ tel v n] n.电视;电视机 =TV soccer [ s k (r)] (football BrE) n. 足球(运动) movie [ mu:vi] n.电影 film catch [k t ] v.捉住;接住;染上(疾病) walk [w :k] v.& n.步行;散步 ride [ra d] v.骑(自行车、马等) watch [w t ] v.观看;当心;n.手表 early [' :l ] adj.早的;提早的 adv.早地;提早 看电视 watch TV Section B UNIT5 TOPIC 1 I usually come to school by subway. Warming up What time do you usually get up on weekdays 读前用是两个问题来做引入: What time do you usually get up on weekdays How do you usually come/go to school 主要是学习乘坐交通工具的另一种方式。 [ wi:kde ] n.工作日 on weekdays 在工作日 在星期日 on Sundays 天 worm[w :m] n. 软体虫,蠕虫 bird [b :d] n. 鸟 The early bird catches the worm. [k t ] v.捉住; 接住; [' :l ] adj. 早的 Pre-listening How do you usually come/go to school Review by train by plane by ship A: How does she usually go to school B: She usually goes to school _____. by plane A: How does Jane usually go to school B: She usually goes to school _____. by ship A: How do they usually go to school B: They usually go to school _____. by ship by train by bus by car by ship by subway/ underground by boat by plane by bike on foot 1 课堂导入 Transportations [w :k] v. & n. 步行; 散步 [pɑ:k] n. 公园; park I usually go to the park on foot. I usually _____ to the park. walk go…on foot — 句式转换: walk How do you usually go to the park ride [ra d] v.骑(自行车、 马等) go…by bike ride a bike She often goes to school by bike. She often rides a bike to school. ride She often rides to school. How does she usually go to school She usually _____ to school ___ _____. go…by plane take a plane takes a plane goes by plane She usually _____ to school. fly She usually _____ to school. flies fly--flies How does she usually go to school She_____ home ____ _____. She takes the subway home. goes by subway go…by subway 地铁 she take the subway How does she usually go home He usually _____ to school ___ _____. go…by ship take a ship takes a ship goes by ship He usually _____ to school. How does he usually go to school He usually _____ to school ___ _____. 7. go…by boat — take a boat takes a boat goes by boat He usually _____ to school. How does he usually go to school 4.go…by car — take a car They usually go to school by car. They usually _____ _____ _____to school. take a car they --drive They usually _____ to school. drive How do they usually go to school 8.go…by bus — take a bus They usually go to school by bus. They usually _____ _____ _____to school. take a bus they How do they usually go to school Sum-up乘坐交通工具的表达 by+交通工具 by I go to school plane bus train ship subway car 乘坐交通工具的表达 take a(an)/the +表示交通工具的单数名词 take a/the plane take a/the bus take a/the train take a/the ship take a/the subway take ... ...

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