
Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A 分层作业(含答案,2课时)人教版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:98次 大小:37176Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 12 Section A (1a~2c) 【课时衔接】 一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1.Let's help my uncle p_____  apples on the farm. 2.Why not buy some f_____  for your mother on Mother's Day 3. Lisa has an important test tomorrow, so she's w_____  about it now. 4.The students went to visit the m_____  yesterday and saw many old things. 5.The fruit in that store is nice and c_____ . People like to buy it. 【基础通关】 二、根据句意及所给汉语提示填写单词 6.Yesterday afternoon we  _____  (扎营) over there. 7.Of all the  _____  (湖), I think this one is the best. 8.There are lots of people on the  _____ (海滩). 9.Does your uncle like playing  _____  (羽毛球) 10.My father usually  _____  (读) newspapers before dinner. 【素养提升】 三、阅读理解 Hi, everyone! I'm Joe and I come from New York, USA. Now I'm on vacation in China. I'm having a great time. Four days ago, I went to Xiamen. Then I came to Sanya after 14 hours on the bus. I found a three-star hotel with a swimming pool on the beach. It is very cheap —only 150 yuan a night, including (包含) breakfast! I can see and hear the sea (海) from my room. Sanya is beautiful! The beach is clean and the water is really warm. Yesterday morning, I slept in the sun and swam in the sea. I learned to swim when I was two years old. I can swim very well. At noon, I ate in a small restaurant on the beach. The seafood was excellent. After lunch, I drove a motor cycle (摩托车) on the beach. I met some really nice people from London. Then we played beach volleyball. And we had dinner on the beach. At dinner time, two of them played their guitars. We danced and sang. I planned (打算) to stay in Sanya for only three days, but I am still here. I don't want to leave! And I will stay two more days and then go to Beijing. (_____)11.Where does Joe come from A.Sanya.     B.London. C.New York. D.Xiamen. (_____)12.Joe is good at    . A.singing B.dancing C.swimming D.playing the guitar (_____)13.What did Joe do after lunch A.He slept in the sun. B.He drove a motorcycle. C.He played beach volleyball. D.He talked with his new friends. (_____)14.How long is Joe's trip to Sanya A.Two days. B.Three days. C.Four days. D.Five days. 2 参考答案 Unit 12 Section A (1a~2c) 课时衔接 1.pick 2.flowers 3.worried 4.museum  5.cheap 基础通关 6.camped 7.lakes 8.beach 9.badminton 10.reads 素养提升   【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了Joe在中国度假的情景。 11.C 由第一段中“I'm Joe and I come from New York, USA.”可知,他来自美国纽约。故选C。 12.C 由第二段中“I can swim very well.”可知,他擅长游泳。 13.B 由第二段中“After lunch, I drove a motorcycle (摩托车) on the beach.”可知,午饭后,他开摩托车。故选B。 14.D 由最后一段中“I planned (打算) to stay in Sanya for only three days”和“And I will stay two more days and then go to Beijing.”可知,他要在那里待五天。故选D。 2Unit 12 Section A (2d~3c) 【课时衔接】 一、根据句意及所给汉语提示填写单词 1.They wanted to  _____  (扎营) by the river. 2.—How many  _____  (绵羊) are the ... ...

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