
牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第四册 Unit 2 Understanding each other Reading课件 (23张PPT含视频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:36次 大小:57764731Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) XB4 Unit 2 Understanding each other We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. — Epictetus 我们有两只耳朵和一个嘴巴,所以我们可以听到的是我们所说的两倍。 ——— 爱比克泰德 Watch the video and figure out David’s and Jack’s problem respectively. He never really listens to what Jack is saying and only thinks of himself. He cannot get David to listen to what he is saying and gets angry with David for not listening to him. Para1: Communication is dependent not only on what we say, but also on how we say it. Para2: Communication is the process of _____ between _____. Para3: Knowing _____ you are communicate is important. Para4: _____ is a way to show your thoughts and attitudes. Para5: The value of _____ should not be understated. Para6: Effective communication can help solve problems, improve _____ , build trust and gain respect. Reading for Structure exchanging information a sender and a receiver with whom Body language empathy interaction with others Reading for structure Para.1 Para.2 Para.3-5 Para.6 Reading for details Q1 A. To explain the wide usage of the phrase. B. To analyze the meaning of oral words. C. To stress the need of using phrases correctly. D. To introduce the topic of communication. Para.1 Why does the author mention “Hey you!” at the beginning of the article Q2 Communication is the process of exchanging information between a sender and a receiver. What is communication receive video, telephone, mail or social media Para.2 decode send age 1 2 3 6 5 4 position relationship …. cultural backgrounds expectations decide which _____ _____ best suits the situation determine the _____ _____ to use and how _____ your choice of words should be communication channel appropriate style complex Para.3 What information can help you determine how best to communicate with others Q3 age 1 2 3 6 5 4 position relationship …. cultural backgrounds expectations a father who is asked to come to the school around 40 perhaps a businessman teacher-parent his kid/my student seem well-educated academic performances in school formal language face to face in a straightforward manner Para.3 How can we can we best communicate others Q4 How should we communicate with others best Q5 A. Because it can support the message you want to deliver. B. Because can show his/her likes and dislikes. C. Because it can show whether your conversation is going well. D. Because it can show his/her thoughts and attitudes. Para.4 Why should you pay attention to the other persons’ body language Q6 How does the author develop the fourth paragraph A. By analyzing cause and effect. B. By giving specific examples. C. By listing some facts. D. By introducing an interesting phenomenon. interested disagree uninterested agree Para.4 Body language how to do that By putting yourself in their shoes. 02 what if meeting complicated issues You can give serious considerations to their points o ... ...

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