
Unit 8 Fashion Reading 课件(共31张PPT) 2023-2024学年牛津译林版英语七年级上册

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:86次 大小:22726590Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 reading The fashion show 学习目标 1.学习六种服饰与鞋子的名称。 2.学习谈论服装的简单用语。 3.通过学习有关服装的简单用语,了解并预热 本单元中心话题。 Lead-in What are they doing 现代服装秀 古代服装秀 2022时装秀之 -《冬季穿搭》 1.What can you see in the video Some models,(模特)they are wearing different kinds of clothes 2.What are they doing They are having a fashion show. 2022时装秀之 -《冬季穿搭》 models Different times have different styles. [stail]n.风格,样式 现代服装秃 古代服装秀 2022时装秀之 《冬季穿搭》 New words What am I wearing [kptn] sports clothes They are made of cotton.棉质的 be made of cotton(棉,棉制物) 由.制成 also wear a pair of trainers. popular ['popjola(r) Trainers are popular among the young people. among ls'mADl)a额S Welcome to my fashion show What am 工wearing a purple shirt 紫色) red and grey tie 灰色 zzue 因钻石世 H a pair of grey trousers a blue scarf (棉,棉制物 a yellow cotton a red silk bluose blouse black skirt blue jeans She looks modern and beautiful a pair of red boots Review sunglasses tie sweater dress scarf skirt blouse jeans T-shirt boots trainers frousers coat Learn the new words lady'lerdi]n.女士 gentleman['d3 entlmen]n.先生 style [starl]n.风格,式样 trainer'treing(r)川n.运动鞋 jeans[d3i:nzn.牛仔裤 silk [silk]n.丝,丝绸 wool[wwln.羊毛 boot [bu:tn.靴子 cotton['kotn]n.棉花 scarf[ska:fn.围巾 both[baU0]det.&pron.两个都

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