
Unit 9-10单词讲解人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级英语下册

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:27次 大小:46610Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    amusement 讲解:指娱乐、消遣或游戏的事物。 例句:The amusement park was filled with excited children. 固定搭配:amusement park(游乐场) somewhere 讲解:表示某个不确定的地方。 例句:I'll meet you somewhere downtown. 固定搭配:somewhere in the world(世界上的某个地方) camera 讲解:指照相机,用于拍摄照片或视频。 例句:She took a photo with her camera. 固定搭配:camera lens(相机镜头) invention 讲解:指发明或创造的事物。 例句:The telephone is a great invention. 固定搭配:make an invention(进行发明) invent 讲解:指发明或创造某物的动作。 例句:He invented a new type of machine. 固定搭配:invent sth. new(发明新的事物) unbelievable 讲解:指某事令人难以置信,不太可能发生。 例句:That story is unbelievable! 固定搭配:unbelievable news(令人难以置信的消息) progress 讲解:指进步或发展的状态。 例句:The company has made progress in its sales. 固定搭配:make progress(取得进步) rapid 讲解:指迅速或快速的。 例句:The car accelerated rapidly. 固定搭配:rapid growth(快速增长) unusual 讲解:指特别的或不寻常的。 例句:She has an unusual hobby of collecting rare coins. 固定搭配:unusual behavior(不寻常的行为) toilet 讲解:指坐便器或厕所。 例句:The toilet is in the bathroom. 固定搭配:public toilet(公共厕所) encourage 讲解:指鼓励或激励某人做某事。 例句:My teacher encouraged me to study harder. 固定搭配:encourage sb. to do sth.(鼓励某人做某事) social 讲解:指与社会或社交活动有关的。 例句:She is very active in social events. 固定搭配:social media(社交媒体) peaceful 讲解:指和平的或平静的。 例句:The village is a peaceful place to live. 固定搭配:peaceful coexistence(和平共处) tea art 讲解:指茶艺,即沏茶和品茶的艺术。 例句:She practices tea art every morning. 固定搭配:tea art performance(茶艺表演) performance 讲解:指表演或演出的质量或水平。 例句:The actor's performance was outstanding. 固定搭配:stage performance(舞台表演) perfect 讲解:指完美的或理想的。 例句:She wants a perfect life. 固定搭配:perfect combination(完美的组合) tea set 讲解:指茶具,即用来沏茶和品茶的器具。 例句:The tea set is made of porcelain. 固定搭配:a set of tea cups(一套茶杯) itself 讲解:指某物本身或自己。 例句:The car cleaned itself automatically. 固定搭配:by itself(独自地) collect 讲解:指收集或搜集某物。 例句:I collect stamps as a hobby. 固定搭配:collect information(收集信息) a couple of 讲解:指一对或几个。 例句:I have a couple of questions to ask you. 固定搭配:a couple of days(几天) German 讲解:指德语或德国人。 例句:She speaks fluent German. 固定搭配:German language(德语) theme 讲解:指主题、题目或作文的核心内容。 例句:The theme of the party was "Back to the Future". 固定搭配:theme park(主题公园) ride 讲解:指乘坐或骑乘的动作,也可以指短途旅程。 例句:I rode a bike to the park. 固定搭配:go for a ride(去兜风) province 讲解:指省份或地区。 例句:She lives in the southern province. 固定搭配:provincial capital(省会) thousand 讲解:指一千。 例句:There are thousands of stars in the sky. 固定搭配:thousands of(数以千计的) safe ... ...

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