
Module 1 Travel Unit 2课件(共20张PPT)外研版九年级下册

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:17次 大小:876044Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 1 Unit 2 阅读课 e7d195523061f1c0f997f84450ea0ef7fb9e7fdde1a1cab961DFB7BEA434369E82AE11772130FB8683DD8BB219E1221882A8D7384A571BE3E1C45B0F3D197DA841CBDA507AB26D7BA49AFA18F78133BD656FED9A75F1FBF234DFD1FF781B9BF769100FA5C24B049604501108ED003F35542CB3D48D37250184E7CABBC8A6B62F1EBC34E85A08F13A2EDDFCCB26286261 在本节课结束时,我们能够: 根据文中的描述人物动作的动词词组等信息预测文章内容,掌握关于旅行的文章大意; 总结文中与旅行相关的重点短语和句型,并能在新的语境中正确运用; 增强对不同自然环境和文化的理解。 学习目标 What do you think the play will be about 1…gets up and starts to… 2…looks for his ticket… 3…goes past people… 4…gets on the train… The play is about a journey by train. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 阅读策略:根据文章提供的各种线索,对文章的主题、内容等进行归纳概括。 Choose the correct answer. 1. Where are Li Lin and Li Wei A. They are at home. B. They are on the train. C. They are at the train station. D. They are in a car. 2. Who is Li Wei? A. She is Li Lin’s sister. B. She is Li Lin’s friend. C. She is Li Lin’s father. D. She is Li Lin’s classmate. Choose the correct answer. 3. Why does the elderly man sitting in Li Lin’s seat A. Because he did not buy a ticket. B. Because he is too tired to move. C. Because he thinks it is his seat. D. Because he cannot find his seat. Choose the correct answer. 4. What does the elderly man want to do A. Take the seat. B. Go and find Car 9. C. Buy another ticket. D. Change seats with Li Lin. Choose the correct answer. 5. What does Li Lin decide to do A. Get off the train. B. Ask the ticket officer for help. C. Take the seat from the elderly man. D. Change seats with the elderly man. Choose the correct answer. 6. Who does Li Lin meet in Car 9 A. Li Wei. B. His friend. C. His classmate. D. Another elderly man. What do you think of Li Lin? He is kind because he offers to change seats with the elderly man. … 1.在站台上 2.跟……道别 3.恐怕…… 4.准备好你的票 5.惊讶做某事 6.最好做某事 7.脱下 8.检票员 9.坐错座位 10.请随意,别拘束 1. on the station platform 2. say goodbye to… 3. I’m afraid… 4. have your ticket ready 5. be surprised to do sth. 6. had better do sth. 7. take off 8. ticket officer 9. take the wrong seat 10. make yourself comfortable 重点短语总结 1. Take Care. Take care 在此意为“保重”,可用作道别语。 Take care!See you next week! 保重!下周见! 扩展:take care 还可意为“注意;当心;小心”,常用于 祈使句。 Take care!The ice is thin. 当心!冰很薄。 知识点拨 2. Li Lin gets on the train and looks for his seat. get on 意为“上车”,其反义短语为 get off,意为“下车”。 When I got on the bus, I saw my teacher sitting there. 当我上公交车时,我看见我的老师坐在那里。 扩展:get on 还表示“进展,使前进”,“相处”的意思。 I’m sure you would get on. 我肯定你会取得进展的。 He can always get on well with his classmates. 他总能和同学们和睦相处。 知识点拨 2. Li Lin gets on the train and looks for his seat. look for 意为“寻找”,强调“找” ... ...

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