

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:1280238Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 四川地区中考真题汇编-完型填空(1) 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、完形填空 (2023·四川甘孜·统考中考真题)Linda lived with her mother and father in a small white house. All the other houses in the neighborhood looked the same except the house next to Linda’s. This house was in need of repairing. Everyone in the neighborhood thought this house looked 1 . No one lived there. On Saturday morning, a car 2 in front of the house. Linda saw a man, a woman and a boy get out of the car. They looked at their new home. Then they took things from the 3 and put them in the house. On Monday morning, Linda left for school. In the 4 , she heard her teacher say, “This is David. Please make him feel welcome.” Linda 5 the boy—he just moved into the house next to hers. The teacher asked Linda to show him around the school. At lunchtime, Linda 6 David the way to the lunchroom. David told Linda he was excited to live in his new house. Linda looked 7 and asked, “Don’t you think it needs a lot of repairing ” David said his family planned to 8 the house. They knew it would take a lot of time and hard work, but they decided to do so. They liked their new house and liked to 9 in such a nice neighborhood. Linda felt she was very 10 .She lived in a nice neighborhood. Listening to David’s story made her feel thankful for life. Sometimes another person helps you understand how much you have. 1.A.clean B.bad C.beautiful D.small 2.A.lost B.passed C.stopped D.started 3.A.house B.street C.shop D.car 4.A.hall B.market C.classroom D.hospital 5.A.hated B.taught C.forgot D.knew 6.A.showed B.asked C.made D.found 7.A.worried B.tired C.surprised D.excited 8.A.use B.sell C.leave D.repair 9.A.play B.live C.work D.travel 10.A.lucky B.shy C.kind D.busy (2023·四川甘孜·统考中考真题)Boys and girls, Good morning! I’m Li Hua, the chairman of Students’ Union (学生会). Recently quite a few students in our school couldn’t have 11 as usual because they had a cold. This was bad for their studies. In order to make you 12 , I’ll give you some useful advice. Firstly, it’s important to have a healthy eating habit. You should 13 more vegetables and fruit. Say no to junk food. Secondly, you’d better 14 well. Don’t stay up late. Besides, do exercise every day. You can take a 15 or run. Lastly, an active life is also good for your health. I am looking forward to seeing you happier and healthier! That’s all! Thanks for listening. 11.A.lessons B.parties C.games D.meetings 12.A.cleverer B.stronger C.friendlier D.younger 13.A.plant B.buy C.eat D.cook 14.A.sing B.study C.practice D.sleep 15.A.walk B.rest C.look D.test (2023·四川雅安·统考中考真题)On October 30, the farm of a family in the village of Grüsch, Switzerland, burnt down. These 16 were about 300 years old. Unluckily, the family lost them because of the 17 . The next morning at the local public school, students ... ...

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