
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B 同步练习(3课时,含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:63次 大小:70144Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B第1课时 Ⅰ. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1. We can't finish the task without     (support) each other today. 2. TikTok, which is     (sudden) everywhere on the Internet, is making its way into our lives. 3. In the area the weather may be about    (change) soon. 4. It took her much time and energy     (do) her research. 5. We agree with the poor man's thoughts about     (happy). 6. When I walked past the hall, I could hear her     (speak) loudly in it. 7. Although he has some talents, he also needs     (work) hard to do well. 8. [2019·曲靖] One needs three things to be     (true) happy in life: something to do, someone to love and something to expect. Ⅱ. 从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空 agree with, listen to, even though, how long, search for 9. The woman was happy         she didn't have much money. 10. They         a week and finally found the missing boy. 11. As students, we should         the teacher carefully in class. 12. —         does it take you to get to school every day —About twenty minutes. 13. Do you         your partner's ideas about money Ⅲ. 完形填空 I was reading a book in my chair in the living room. And my son was watching a show on TV. Suddenly, I heard someone in the show shout out  14 ,“Go to your happy place!” I looked up and saw that my son was  15 . After hearing those words and seeing my son's happy face, I thought of all the happy places I had over the years. When I was a little boy, my happy place was my mother's lap(大腿部). I could sit there when we two  16  a piece of cake. When I was in primary school, my happy place was a  17 . I could sit under it and watch the leaves turn golden in the fall. When I was a teenager, my happy place was my bedroom. There I could  18  on my bed and listen to my favorite songs. As a young man, my happy place was an old rocking chair(摇椅). There I could  19  my boy in my arms and rock him to sleep. As I got older, I realized that the happiest place was deep down in my own heart. It was there that I learned my happiness was in my own  20 . When you have your own heart as your happy place, then your happy place is wherever you decide to go. When your happy place is in your heart, you can share it  21  everyone you meet. When your happy place is the life you live,then you make the world around you a happier place and  22  your own happy place then. Fill your heart with  23 . Fill your days with joy. (  )14. A. happily B. carefully C. proudly D. sadly (  )15. A. crying B. playing C. laughing D. eating (  )16. A. made B. bought C. looked D. shared (  )17. A. beach B. garden C. hill D. tree (  )18. A. stand B. dream C. lie D. enjoy (  )19. A. watch B. hold C. raise D. throw (  )20. A. room B. eyes C. face D. hands (  )21. A. with B. from C. off D. through (  )22. A. leave B. create C. reach D. choose (  )23. A. chance B. dut ... ...

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