

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:89次 大小:1295190Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 四川地区中考真题汇编-完型填空(2) 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、完形填空 (2023·四川乐山·统考中考真题)In the village of Muntang in Indonesia (印度尼西亚) , many children all do one thing after school: They pick up rubbish in order to 1 books from the “Waste Library”. Raden Roro Hendarti is the person who 2 this special library. Every weekday, she rides her tricycle (三轮车) with lots of books to the 3 . Many children are already waiting for her. They pick out the books they want to read and “ 4 ” her with plastic cups, bags and other types of waste. After that, these little children usually sit together to enjoy reading their books. Each week, Raden’s “Waste Library” collects about 100 kilograms of rubbish. The waste is then sent for 5 or sold. Raden will use the money to buy new books for her library. “Our children should read more and spend less 6 playing online games,” said Raden. “I want them to get offline (离线的) and start doing something good for the real world.” The “Waste Library” has over 6, 000 books now. The number is still 7 . Raden’s act of kindness is shining the hearts and minds of more children. 1.A.borrow B.learn C.bring 2.A.looked up B.set up C.made up 3.A.city B.town C.village 4.A.buy B.pay C.take 5.A.recording B.repairing C.recycling 6.A.work B.time C.power 7.A.reducing B.falling C.growing (2023·四川宜宾·统考中考真题)Recently, a young man failed in his postgraduate (研究生) exam and then he sent a message to his father who died three years ago. In the message, the young man said to his father, “Dad, I 8 you so much. Would you appear in my 9 I really want to meet you.” To his 10 , he received a “reply” and found out that the message was from a person. The person is using his father’s old phone number now. The message said, “Never mind, boy. You will 11 through failures. Cheer yourself up and keep 12 . I know my boy is the best. I miss you, too.” “Having seen such a message from ‘my dad’, my tears came out.” the young man said. People need love and care, especially in 13 times of their life. If they fail, they are thirsty for comfort and help from their parents and friends, so the reply from a (an) 14 person really gave him encouragement. “ 15 , I thought someone had sent a wrong message,” the “father” said. “But after reading it again, I found out the sender must be in trouble and need some 16 . So I decided to reply in his father’s name. It is normal that people who have 17 their parents will miss them more than usual, especially in trouble.” 8.A.find B.love C.help D.miss 9.A.dream B.college C.future D.house 10.A.joy B.sadness C.surprise D.anger 11.A.come back B.grow up C.give away D.get off 12.A.writing B.trying C.looking D.waiting 13.A.difficult B.happy C.right D.wrong 14.A.shy B.ugly C.strange D.honest 15.A.Since then B.Till now C.At last D.At first 16.A.money B.comf ... ...

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