
【中考2024】四川地区2023中考真题分类汇编-阅读理解 (1)【含答案解析】

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:20次 大小:1381176Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 四川地区中考真题汇编-阅读理解(1) 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 (2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)补全短文根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F 选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。 Money may not buy happiness, but it helps. Many teenagers want to learn how to manage money before going out into the world. 1 This idea is raised by Dr. Mara Harvey, a money expert. The following are some of her tips. Learn to make money. Ask parents or neighbors if you can do chores to make pocket money. These could include washing a car or taking the dog for a walk. 2 In this way, you can also improve your communication skills, which will help when you have a grown-up job, too. Help your money grow. Money can’t grow if it’s sitting inside a piggy bank. Put your money in the bank and you can get interest (利息) . 3 One day you may feel surprised at how much money you have. Make a plan. If you have a big event, such as a holiday coming up, it might mean you will need to spend more of your pocket money. Try making a plan for spending and saving. 4 Then it will help you take control of your money. 5 Figure out how much you can reasonably spend each month. Spend your money on what you truly need. Then try to cut down on spending. For example, rather than eating out, you can choose to cook at home. A.Spend your money wisely. B.Be smart with your money. C.Set a goal of saving money. D.Save your money in the long run. E.Agree on the value of different jobs before you start. F.Write down how much money you have and what you are spending. (2023·四川成都·统考中考真题) a. Locals Care for Natural WorldGrasslands and lakes in Sanjiangyuan have taken on a new look and many wild animals have come back. On January 24, 2003, China set up Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve to protect the area and the wildlife. Local people joined in the project, picking up waste and protecting the animals. b. China Successfully Grows Rice in SpaceHow to grow food in space if humans live there one day For nearly 40 years, China has developed over 260 new types of seeds (种子) in space. Recently growing rice at Tiangong Space Station makes a big step forward. It can also solve food problems on Earth. c. Doctors Sent to West AfricaDoctors are flying to an island off the coast of West Africa after a new flu broke out. They will test different medicines to find a way to deal with it. To get things better, they will also offer medical care and help train local nurses there. d. _____A strong earthquake hit Turkey on February 6. More than 8,000 international rescuers (救援人员) around the world went to help, including the Blue Sky Rescue Team from China. They helped save lives and rebuild homes. e. Scientists Fight against Plastic PollutionA natural material, fungi (真菌), used to break down a type of plastic called polypropylene turned out to be useful. Scientists at the University of Sydney found that after 90 days, between 25% and 27% of polypropylen ... ...

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