
Unit 1 Hello! Part B & PartC Start to read—Story time 课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:91次 大小:43541868Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Hello! Part B & PartC Start to read—Story time Let's sing Say quickly bag pencil eraser crayon pen pencil box book Let's say Hi/Hello! I’m____. I have a/an _____. Look and fill Hello! _____. Zoom Listen and guess Hello! Who’s there (谁在那里?) Listen and fill _____! Who’s there (谁在那里?) _____? Are you Tutu No Let’s act Look and guess Who’s there (谁在那里?) Are you ____? Watch and answer Who’s there (谁在那里?) Watch and answer Who’s there (谁在那里?) It's Zip! Listen and fill Haha! _____! Hi, Zip! _____. I’m Zip My name's Zoom How to introduce themselves (怎样介绍自己?) Listen and fill Let's_____!OK? _____! play Great What will they do (他们将做什么?) Let's think If you make a friend,what will you do (如果你交了一个朋友,你打算做什么?) Tips: Chinese is OK. English is better. (也可以说汉语哦) Let's_____!OK? Name the story _____ A. Zip and Tutu B. Zoom and Tutu C. Zip and Zoom Let's enjoy Let's continue What will happen next (接下来会发生什么?) Tips: Chinese is OK. English is better. (也可以说汉语哦) Listen and imitate Listen and imitate Listen and imitate Let’s read Tips: 1.Read it freely. 2.Read it in pairs. Let’s act Let's think What have you learned from the story (你从故事中学到了什么?) Tips: Chinese is OK. English is better. (也可以说汉语哦) Be polite! 礼貌待人 Be friendly! 友好相处 Cherish friendship! 珍惜友谊 Zoom and Zip are friends, how about your friends Let's make friends A: Hello. B: Hi. I’m_____. What’s your name A: My name’s_____. Let’s play! OK B: Great! Exercises 1.Circle the same letters 2.Read and count 3.Listen and number 4.Look and match 1.Circle the same letters 1 a c a o e a 2 b j d q g b 3 H N A H Z H 4 Q D O Q C P pen 2 pencil __ pencil box __ bag __ book __ crayon __ ruler __ eraser __ pen pen ruler ruler ruler crayon crayon bag bag book book eraser eraser pencil box pencil 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2.Read and count 2 1 3 4 3.Listen and number 1. Miss White: Hello, I’m Miss White. Boys & girls: Hello, Miss White. 2. Zoom: Hello, I’m Zoom. 3. Mike: Hi, I’m Mike. What’s your name Chen Jie: My name’s Chen Jie. 4. Wu Binbin: Goodbye. Sarah & Chen Jie: Bye. 听力原文: pencil box crayon bag pencil ruler pen eraser book 4.Look and match 1.复习了本单元的文具单词:book, eraser, ruler, pencil, pen, bag, pencil box, crayon 2.复习了询问别人名字以及自我介绍的句子: Hello. I’m ... What's your name 3.学习了一个故事。 What have we learned today (今天我们学到了什么?) Homework 1.Read the story. 1 3 2.Continue the story and tell the story to your friends.(续编故事并把故事讲给朋友听) 2 3.Finish your exercises. Goodbye

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