
中职英语高教版(2021)基础模块3Unit 8 Role Models of the Times Part1-2 课件(共30张PPT)

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(课件网) ——— Unit 8 Role Models of the Times ——— Listening & Speaking Learning objectives knowledge objectives ability objectives emotional objectives Master the key words and phrases about role models. To be able to talk about role models and explain why they become a role model . To express admiration and affection for role models. 01 02 03 04 Warming up Listening Speaking Homework Contents 目录 少/年/强/中/国/强 01 Warming up 少/年/强/中/国/强 Part 1 01 / 04 中 国 01 最可爱的人 What do you want to be when you grow up Do you have role models Who are they 01 02 Discuss the questions. How do you introduce your role model 03 中 国 01 最可爱的人 郎平,女,祖籍中国天津,著名女子排球运动员、教练员,现任中国女排主教练、兼任中国排协副主席。运动员时期凭借强劲而精确的扣杀而赢得“铁榔头”绰号。郎平与美国名将弗罗拉·海曼、古巴名将米雷亚 ·路易斯并称为1980年代世界女 排“三大主攻手”。2021年8月 2日,中国女排3-0击败阿根廷,这场比赛 是郎平的谢幕战。 01 Role Models of the Times 中 国 01 最可爱的人 钱学森(1911.12.11-2009.10.31),汉族,吴越王钱镠第33世孙,生于上海,祖籍浙江省杭州市 临安。世界著名科学家,空气动力学家, 中国载人航天奠基人,“中国科制之父” 和“火箭之王”,由于钱学森回国效力, 中国导弹、原子弹的发射向前推进了至 少20年。 02 Role Models of the Times 中 国 01 最可爱的人 任长霞(1964.2.8-2004.4.14),女,汉族,河南省商丘市睢县人。曾任河南省登封市公安局局长。20世纪末至21世纪初的中国警察界先进人物,曾被作为先进典范在全国学习。她始终把人民群众的疾苦和安危放在心 上,解决了十多年积累的控申积案。2018年12月18日,任长 霞荣获改革开放40周年政法系统新 闻影响力人物,并获评:她,是感动 中国的"警界女神警"。 03 Role Models of the Times 根据介绍,将下列楷模与其职业相匹配。 Task1 Look and match. 1 2 3 4 volleyball player scientist police officer firefighter A. Yang Kezhang, a hero who lost his life for saving people from a fire. B. Lang Ping, a respectable person who led the Chinese women’s volleyball team to win the world championship. C. Qian Xuesen, a great person who made important contributions to China’s missile (导弹) and space program. D. Ren Changxia, a heroine who devoted her life to the cause of people’s safety. B C D A 根据介绍,将下列楷模与其职业相匹配。 Task1 Look and match. Who Yang Kezhang Lang Ping Qian Xuesen Ren Changxia What does he/she do What does he/she achieve How does he/she influence us firefighter Protect safety Missile\ Space program the most beautiful striver policewoman “Two bombs and one satellite” Spirit of Chinese Women Volleyball Team World championship coach hero Protect safety scientist 思考并勾选出介绍上述楷模时可以用到的句子。 Task2 Think and tick. We are safe because the police like Ren Changxia are protecting us. I admire doctors like Zhong Nanshan. I like science very much and want to be a scientist like Qian Xuesen. Lang Ping is a respectable volleyball player and coach. Language points analysis 1.respectable adj.受尊敬的;值得尊敬的 2.make contributions to 为... ... ...

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