
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1a-1c (共31张PPT,内嵌音视频)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:84次 大小:24687852Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) What will you be in the future I will be a teacher. I will be a doctor. Will kids go to school in 100 years Yes, they will . No, they won’t . Kids won’t go to school. They will study at home on computers. A: ____ people use money B: No, they _won’t__. People _won’t use_ money. Will Everything will be free. -- Will people live to be 200 years old -Yes, they will . In 100 years, people _____ 200 years old. will live to be live to be + 数字years old 活到多少岁 -- Will there be only one country --Yes, there will . In 100 years, _____ only one country. there will be there be 有 there will be 将会有 only one country I think...... I don't think...... Will people have robots in their homes Yes, they will. I am one of them. But I have one now. Her name is Xiao Ai AI who is from China. But I have more functions than her. I don't think so. Will there be only one country We need to get along well with China now. There won't be only one country. But China is the strongest country in the world. Will kids go to school No, they won't. They' ll study at home on computers. We now need to study at home because of the COVID-19. How could they do that Because it will appear again. Will people still read books I am so sad to hear that. So please protect the environment from now on. No, books will only be on computers, not on paper . Because there is more pollution in the future. There are fewer trees. will have in 100 years cleaned saw will use will be there will be won’t will study on computer there will be Report: These are our predictions. xx thinks he/she will.... There will be …in our school.

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