
中考英语语法总复习4 数词 第2课 序数词(课件+练习)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:11次 大小:525905Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) English Grammar 第4章 Numerals 数词 第2课 序数词 主讲 Tim OBJECTIVES 能用英语正确表达常用序数词。 了解序数词的概念及运用范围。 2 1 An ordinal number is one such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, that shows the position of something in a list of things. 序数词是表示事物在事物列表中的位置的数词,比如第一, 第二,第三等。 Ordinal Number the 21st century the third in line February 14th the first prize first 1st eleventh 11th twenty first 21st second 2nd twelfth 12th twenty second 22nd third 3rd thirteenth 13th twenty third 23rd fourth 4th fifth 5th fourteenth 14th fifteenth 15th twenty fourth 24th sixth 6th sixteenth 16th seventh 7th seventeenth 17th eighth 8th eighteenth 18th ninth 9th nineteenth 19th tenth 10th twentieth 20th Ordinal Number Fill in the blanks. 1 (6)第二 (7)第三十一 (8)第五 (9) 第十二 (10) 第四十 (1) 第七 (2) 第十四 (3) 第一 (4) 第三 (5) 第四 根据中文写出对应的英文单词 (不能使用简写)。 Exercise 1 New Year’s Day is on January ( ). 2 Independence Day in America is celebrated on ( ) of July. 3 Chinese people celebrate the National Day holiday on October ( ). 4 Lovers celebrate Valentine’s Day on February ( ). 5 March ( ) is Women’s Day. Fill in the blanks. 2 用正确的序数词填空(用序数词的简写形式)。 Exercise Answer Keys (1) 第七 seventh (6) 第二 second (2) 第十四 fourteenth (7) 第三十一 thirty first (3) 第一 first (8) 第五 fifth (4) 第三 third (9) 第十二 twelfth (5) 第四 fourth (10) 第四十 fortieth Fill in the blanks. 1 根据中文写出对应的英文单词 (不能使用简写)。 Exercise 1 New Year’s Day is on January ( 1st ). 2 Independence Day in America is celebrated on ( 4th ) of July. 3 Chinese people celebrate the National Day holiday on October ( 1st ). 4 Lovers celebrate Valentine’s Day on February ( 14th ). 5 March ( 8th ) is Women’s Day. 用正确的序数词填空(用序数词的简写形式)。 Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks.中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 英语语法 第4章 数词 第2课 序数词 练习与答案 Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with ordinal numbers. 根据中文写出对应的英文单词(不能使用简写)。 (1) 第七 (2) 第十四 (3) 第一 (4) 第三 (5) 第四 (6)第二 (7)第三十一 (8)第五 (9) 第十二 (10) 第四十 Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks with ordinal numbers. 用正确的序数词填空(用序数词的简写形式)。 1 New Year’s Day is on January ( ). 2 Independence Day in America is celebrated on ( ) of July. 3 Chinese people celebrate the National Day holiday on October ( ). 4 Lovers celebrate Valentine’s Day on February ( ). 5 March ( ) is Women’s Day. Answer Key Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with ordinal numbers. 根据中文写出对应的英文单词(不能使用简写)。 (1) 第七 seventh (2) 第十四 fourteenth (3) 第一 first (4) 第三 third (5) 第四 fourth (6)第二 second (7)第三十一 thirty first (8)第五 fifth (9) 第十二 twelfth (10) 第四十 fortieth Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks with ordinal numbers. 用正确的序数词填空(用序数词的简写形式)。 1 New Year’s Day is on January ( 1st ). 2 Independence Day in America is ... ...

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