
中考英语语法总复习9 连词 第11课 从属连词8(课件+练习)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:72次 大小:529485Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 第9章 Conjunctions 连词 第11课 从属连词(8) 主讲 Tim English Grammar OBJECTIVES 了解常用条件从属连词的用法。 熟记常用条件从属连词。 2 1 Types of Subordinating Conjunctions as because since why so that in that now that in order that seeing that considering that just as than as...as... while as if as though whereas where wherever no matter where after/before as soon as as long as since once till/until when whenever while by the time every time the moment who(m) whoever no matter who whose though although even though even if no matter how however no matter what whatever if only if in case provided that suppose unless assuming that whether (or not) on condition that CONCESSION 让步 COMPARISON 对比 CONDITION 条件 REASON 原因 PLACE 地点 PEOPLE 人物 TIME 时间 She'll freak if she sees you here. 她会疯掉的 ,如果她看见你在这里 。 I told him he would succeed only if he tried hard. 我告诉他 ,他要成功 ,只有努力 。 In case you hadn't noticed, you're a little materialistic. 可能你并未意识到 ,你有点贪图享乐 。 Subordinating Conjunction Type 7 only if in case if CONDITION 条件 She's welcome to come along, provided that she behaves herself. 欢迎她来 , (前提是) 只要她守规矩 。 Suppose we miss the bus - what will we do then 假设我们错过了公交车——— 那我们该怎么办 I can’t fix it unless you tell me. 我无法解决这个问题 ,除非你告诉我 ( 问题是什么) 。 Subordinating Conjunction Type 7 suppose unless provided CONDITION 条件 I can let you go, assuming that everything you told me is trure. 我可以放你走 ,假定你跟我讲的每件事情都是属实的 。 Whether you believe it or not, everyone thinks that you are a great wife and mother. 不管你信不信 ,大家都认为你是一 个贤妻良母 。 I'll come to the party on condition that you don't wear those ridiculous pants! 我会参加聚会 ,前提是你不要穿那条丢人现眼的裤子 ! Subordinating Conjunction Type 7 assuming that whether on condition that CONDITION 条件 1 She'll freak if she sees you here. 2 I told him he would succeed only if he tried hard. 3 In case you hadn't noticed, you're a little materialistic. 4 She's welcome to come along, provided that she behaves herself. 5 Suppose we miss the bus - what will we do then 6 I can’t fix it unless you tell me. 7 I can let you go, assuming that everything you told me is trure. 8 Whether you believe it or not, everyone thinks that you are a great wife and mother. 9 I'll come to the party on condition that you don't wear those ridiculous pants! Find the subordinating conjunctions. 用下划线勾出下列句子中的条件从属连词。 Exercise 1 1 if ( ) 2 only if ( ) 3 in case ( ) 4 provided that ( ) 5 suppose ( ) 6 unless ( ) 7 assuming that ( ) 8 whether (or not) ( ) 9 on condition that ( ) Fill in the blanks. 2 写出下列条件从属连词的中文意思。 Exercise Answer Keys 1 She'll freak if she sees you here. 2 I told him he would succeed only if he tried hard. 3 In case you hadn't noticed, you're a little materialistic. 4 She's welcome to come along, prov ... ...

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