
Unit 6 Topic 2 综合过关检测-2022-2023学年八年级英语下册同步精品课堂(仁爱版)(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:90次 大小:262631Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit6 Topic2 综合过关检测 2022-2023学年八年级英语下册同步精品课堂(仁爱版) 考试范围:unit6 Topic2;考试时间:100分钟 ;满分100分 一、单项选择(共15分) 1.(2022春·江苏苏州·八年级星海实验中学校考期中)He once worked for a travel magazine for one year and the _____ helped him get a job as a reporter. A.knowledge B.information C.experience D.skills 【答案】C 【解析】句意:他曾经为一个旅行杂志工作了一年,这个经历帮助他得到一份作为记者的工作。 考查名词辨析。knowledge知识;information信息;experience经历;skills技能。根据“He once worked for a travel magazine for one year”可知是一年的经历为他找工作奠定了基础,故选C。 2.(2022春·江苏无锡·八年级江苏省锡山高级中学实验学校校考期中)—Does he have _____ of managing a farm —Yes, he does. But he had some terrible _____ in the beginning. A.experiences; experience B.experience; experiences C.experience; experience D.experiences; experiences 【答案】B 【解析】句意:———他有管理农场的经验吗?———是的,他有。但他一开始有一些可怕的经历。 考查名词辨析和名词的数。experience,译为“经验”,为不可数名词,译为“经历”,为可数名词,根据“Does he have ... of managing a farm”可推断,第一空译为“经验”,填experience,根据“But he had some terrible ... in the beginning.”可推断,第二空表达“经历”,“some”后接可数名词复数。故选B。 3.(2023春·八年级课时练习)— Have you received your friend’s letter — Yes, I _____ it two weeks ago. A.receive B.have received C.will receive D.received 【答案】D 【解析】句意:———你收到你朋友的信了吗?———是的,我两周前收到的。 考查一般过去时。receive收到,动词原形;have received已经收到,现在完成时结构;will receive将收到,一般将来时结构;received收到,过去式。根据时间状语“two weeks ago”可知,是一般过去时。故选D。 4.(2023春·八年级课时练习)—Miss Li, could you please help me _____ this math problem —OK. Let me try. A.look up B.work out C.set up D.find out 【答案】B 【解析】句意:———李老师,你能帮我算出这道数学题吗 ———好的,让我试试。 考查动词辨析。look up“查找”;work out“算出”;set up“建立”;find out“找出”。根据“could you please help me…this math problem ”可知,算出这道数学难题。故选B。 5.(2023春·八年级单元测试)The math problem is very hard. I can’t_____. Could you help me A.work out it B.work it out C.cut out it D.cut it out 【答案】B 【解析】句意:那道数学题很难。我不能把它解出来。你能帮我吗? 考查动词短语。work out it错误表达,代词应位于中间;work it out把它解出来;cut out it错误表达,代词应位于中间;cut it out把它剪下来。根据“The math problem is very hard.”可知数学题很难,不能把它解出来,应用动词短语work out,其为“动词+副词”型短语,代词作其宾语时应放在work和out之间。故选B。 6.(2023春·八年级课时练习)Grandma couldn’t catch up with me so I had to stop _____ her. A.waiting for B.to wait for C.waiting D.waited 【答案】B 【解析】句意:奶奶跟不上我所以我不得不停下来等她。 考查动词不定式。wait for等待(某人/某物);wait等待。根据“I had to stop...her”可知,等待某人应用“wait for”,故排除C、D;根据句意可知,考查短语 ... ...

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