
Unit 6 Topic 1 综合过关检测-2022-2023学年八年级英语下册同步精品课堂(仁爱版)(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:49次 大小:277114Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    仁爱八年级下unit6topic1测试卷 考试范围:unit6 Topic1;考试时间:100分钟 ;满分100分 一、单项选择(共15分) 1.(2022秋·浙江温州·九年级校考期中)—I can’t imagine life without Wi-Fi. It’s convenient. —Sure. Wi-Fi is _____ important invention. It makes our mobile phones more powerful. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.(2022秋·江苏南通·八年级统考期末)Andrew enjoys the _____ in his new school with tall buildings, beautiful parks and a small lake in it. A.transport B.condition C.environment D.communication 3.(2022秋·八年级单元测试)Your work is not up to the _____. You need to do something more. A.standard B.machine C.advice D.block 4.(2022春·江西宜春·八年级统考期末)—China’s 5G _____ is leading the world. —You’re right. We can send pictures much faster than before. A.condition B.technology C.situation D.environment 5.(2021春·八年级单元测试)Because of the Internet, the news seems _____ more quickly than we expected. A.spread B.to spread C.spreading D.spreads 6.(2023春·全国·八年级专题练习)—Now please _____ John to us. —OK. John looks very serious, but he always has a sense of humour when he talks. A.pass B.introduce C.present D.raise 7.(2020春·八年级课时练习)—What did the teacher say just now —He asked them _____ the math problem. A.discussing B.discussed C.to discuss D.discuss 8.(2023春·八年级单元测试)It _____ several years to build Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the highest railway in the world. A.spent B.took C.cost D.paid 9.(2023春·八年级单元测试)Hearing the old man’s reports, the officer _____ from his seat and said that something must be done to _____ people’s living standards. A.raised; rise B.rose; raise C.raised; raise D.rose; rise 10.(2022秋·八年级课时练习)We can have a rest _____ at Spring Hotel, because its rooms are big and clean. A.comfort B.comfortable C.uncomfortable D.comfortably 11.(2022秋·重庆沙坪坝·八年级重庆八中校考期末)—Let’s go to the movies tonight. The new cinema in our neighborhood is quite pretty. —Sounds great. My brother said we can sit _____ there. A.comfortable enough B.enough comfortably C.comfortably enough D.enough comfortable 12.(2021春·湖北咸宁·八年级统考阶段练习)—What’s the price of the movie ticket —We have tickets _____ 35 _____ the front seat. A.at; for B.at; in C.on; for D.on; in 13.(2020春·八年级课时练习) —Though Mike is ____ boy, he can say many words. —How clever! A.an-one-year-old B.a one-year-old C.an one-year old D.a one-year old 14.(2020春·八年级课时练习)They will decide whether ____ the movie The Sound of Music at the cinema. A.see B.to see C.seeing D.saw 15.(2020春·八年级课时练习) —I’ll go on a visit to Mount Huang. —_____ A.Thank you. B.Have a good trip! C.Never mind. D.My pleasure. 二、完形填空(共10分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 (2022春·八年级课时练习)In many big cities, there are usually more than one underground line(地铁 ... ...

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