
Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 3 The School sports meet is coming. Section B 课件(共42张PPT 内嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:93次 大小:29243209Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming. Section B 01 能听懂含有以下短语的英语对话或文章: take sth. for…, make it half past six, catch up with, neck and neck, run into等。 能正确地理解下列句子和短语,并能加以运用: What shall me take When shall we meet take sth …, make it+时间、地点或价钱。 02 能听懂相约见面的对话,能听懂对运动场景描述的文字材料。 能用英语和同学朋友进行简单的约会对话,能用英语描述运动场景。能用shall将来时介绍自己或朋友在运动会中参加的项目。 Learning objectives 03 通过学习Kangkang 和 Michael友好的对话内容,教会学生要善于表达自己的感情,在参加集体活动中提升同学间的友情。 Review 01 Round Translation 将要 will 谈论 talk about 参加 take part in = join in =be in 男子800米接力赛 the boys’ 800-meter race cheer …..on 为…加油 某人第一次干某事 It’s one’s first time to do sth shall [ l] modal v.…好吗?要不要…? message ['mes d ] n.信息;消息 theater [ θ t ] n.剧场,戏院 line [la n] n.线;线条;电话线路 New words Our school sports meet is coming. Will you take part in it What shall we take sports clothes sports shoes a camera some water 触发器 按图片出现单词 Shall we take... Good idea/Sorry... When shall we meet 12 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 Let’s make it half past four . Where shall we meet We shall meet on the playground /at school. 你发现了关于shall的什么吗? What shall we take Shall we take... When shall we meet Where shall we meet Shall We/I….用来征求对方 意见 。相当于汉语的“好吗 ”、 “要不要... ”。 Shall +动词原形 构成 一般将来时态。 Look and guess What are they talking about Let’s have a listen! 1b. Listen to 1a and check what Kangkang and Michael are talking about. □what they should take for the sports meet □when they will meet □where they will meet □how they will go to school listen again and complete the table. 1c What to take When to meet Where to meet _____ _____ _____ sports clothes sports shoes a camera At 6:30 At Kangkang’s house Secion B 1a P19 Kangkang: Helo, is Michael in Michael: Speaking Kangkang: Michael, the school sports meet is coming tomorrow. Let’s go together. Michael: OK. What shall we take Kangkang: We' ll take our sports clothes and sports shoes. Michael: Shall I take my camera Kangkang: Good idea! It'll be fun. Michael: When shall we meet Kangkang: Let's make it half past six. Michael: Where shall we meet Kangkang: At my house Michael: OK. See you then. Kangkang: See you. 1 Greet 2 What shall we take 3 When shall we meet 4 Where shall we meet Role play the conversation(Cover your book) 1 Greet 2 What shall we take 3 When shall we meet 4 Where shall we meet From: To: Message: When: Place: Time: Meeting Place: Kangkang Michael Going to the school sports meet Tomorrow At Kangkang’s house 6:30 At school Work in pairs and use the messages to make up new conversations, and act it out. 1d From: Tom To: Jane Message: Rowing When: Tomorrow morning Place: Beihai Park Time: 10:00 a.m. Meeting Place: At the school ... ...

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