
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section A 1a-1c课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:44次 大小:43502905Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Section A 1a-1c Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake How to get the chance Find out what we need to make a banana milk shake. Learn the steps to make a banana milk shake . Make a banana milk shake through teamwork. Who make the most delicious banana milk shake can drink milk tea for free. Let's learn how to make a banana milk shake! Watch the video carefully! What ingredients (原料) and tools(工具) do we need What are the steps [ n gri di nts] [tu lz] What ingredients do we need to make a banana milk shake bananas ice-cream milk What tools do we need to make a banana milk shake a blender a knife ['blend r] [na f] How do you make a banana milk shake Step 1 First, _____the bananas. peel /pi:l/ 剥皮;去皮 How do you make a banana milk shake Step 2 Then, _____the bananas. cut up cut up(sth) 切碎... cut them up把它们切碎 How do you make a banana milk shake Step 3 Now, ____the bananas and ice cream ___ the blender. put in put...in... 把...放进... How do you make a banana milk shake Step 4 Then, _____the milk _____ the blender. pour into /p :(r)/ 倒出;倾倒 pour… into将……倒入 How do you make a banana milk shake Step 5 Next, ____ ____the blender. turn on turn on“打开,旋开(电器)等”, 反义词turn off “关上(电器)等”。 How do you make a banana milk shake Step 6 Finally, _____the milk shake _____ a glass and drink it. pour into Write these words in the blanks in the picture above. 1a _____ the milk shake _____ the milk into the blender _____ the bananas _____ the bananas _____ the blender _____ the bananas and ice-cream in the blender turn on cut up drink peel pour put _____ Turn on the blender. _____ Cut up the bananas. _____ Drink the milk shake. _____ Pour the milk into the blender. _____ Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. _____ Peel three bananas. Listen and put the instructions in order. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tips:Predict the order before listening. 1b 1. What is the type(类型) of these sentences They are imperatives(祈使句). 2. What can we use them for We can use them to make instructions(指令). A:I’m hungry! Let’s make a banana         . B:     do you make a banana milk shake A:Well,first    three bananas. B:Three bananas A:Yes.Then    the bananas. B:OK,I’m finished. A:Now    the bananas and ice-cream    the blender. Then     the milk     the blender. B:Is this enough milk A:I guess so. Next,     the blender.    ,pour the milk shake into a glass and drink it. milk shake How peel cut up put in pour into turn on Finally Listen again and fill in the blanks. let’s = let us let sb. do sth. finish v. 完成 finish doing sth. finished adj. 结束了的,完成了的 adj. 足够的 I guess so. 我猜是吧。 I guess not. 我猜不是。 1. 玻璃杯(可数) 2. 玻璃(不可数) Try to retell the steps of make a banana milk shake. peel three bananas. cut up the bananas. put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. pour the milk into the blender. turn on the blen ... ...

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