Past Progressive Tense 过去进行时 主谓模块 1: I was being... 我当时正在是 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句及回答 I was being a worker. I was not being a worker. Were you being a worker Yes, I was. / No, I was not. He was being a worker. He was not being a worker. Was he being a worker Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. They were being workers. They were not being workers. Were they being workers Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t. 主谓模块 2: I was doing... 我当时正在做 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句及回答 I was working. I was not working. Were you working Yes, I was. / No, I was not. He was working. He was not working. Was he working Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. They were working. They were not working. Were they working Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t. 时间模块:Time Markers 时间标志词 When mom came back home 当妈妈回到家的时候 While Judy was reading a book 当朱迪正在看书的时候 all night / the whole day 一整晚 / 一整天 at 8 o’clock last night 昨晚 8 点的时候 标准句子结构 ●主谓模块 1+X+时间模块 I was being stupid. 我当时正在犯傻(处于傻的状态中)。 ●主谓模块 2+X+时间模块 I was watching TV at 10 o’clock last night. 昨晚 10 点的时候我正在看电视。 1 用法总结 The past progressive describes an action that was in progress at a specific time or some time period in the past: 过去进行式描述的是在过去的特定时间点正在进行的动作或特定时间段一直持 续的动作: Judy was listening to music at 9 o’clock last night. (时间点) 昨晚 9 点的时候朱迪正在听音乐。 Judy was listening to music the whole day. (时间段) 朱迪一整天都在听音乐。 To describe an action that started in the past and was interrupted by another action: 描述一个在过去开始并被另一个动作打断的动作: He was writing an e-mail when the phone rang. =When the phone rang, he was writing an e-mail. 电话铃响时,他正在写电子邮件。 While he was writing an e-mail, the phone rang. 当他写电子邮件时,电话铃响了。 To describe two actions that were in progress at the same time in the past: 描述过去同时进行的两个动作: Mom was preparing dinner while Judy was reading a book. =While Judy was reading a book, mom was preparing dinner. 妈妈当时正在准备晚饭,而朱迪当时正在看书。 Note: The word order in the sentence can be switched around as in the examples above, however, it is important to remember that we use the time expression while before the past progressive and the word when before the past simple part of the sentence. Use only one of these time expressions in each sentence 注意:句子中的词语顺序可以像上面的例子那样进行转换,但是要记住,我们在 时间标志词 while 的后面使用过去进行时,而在时间标志词 when 后面使用一般 过去时。在每个句子中只使用其中一个时间标志词。 2 Exercise 练习 (1) Fill in the blanks. 完成表格。 主谓模块 1: I am being... 我当时正在是 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句及回答 I was being a worker. He was being a worker. They were being workers. 主谓模块 2: I am doing... 我当时正在做 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句及回答 I was working. He was working. They were working. (2) 时间模块:Time Markers 时间标志词 当妈妈回到家的时 ... ...
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