
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit1 Honesty and responsibility Reading 课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:20次 大小:3696084Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Reading Check the homework Thanslate the following phrases from time to time make a difficult choice concerning their moral values on the beat around a certain block slow down with an unlit cigar in his mouth walk up to ... speak up make an appointment there used to be ... tear down strike a match light one’s cigar keen eyes a square jaw a little white scar near his right eyebrow (be) oddly set dine here be to do ... make one’s fortune Phrases P2--5 ought to have done... sound pretty interesting keep in touch (with sb) lose contact (with sb) the most reliable fellow it’s worthwhile... turn up (be) set with small diamonds keep an appointment with... a tall man in a long overcoat with collar turned up to his ears ask doubtfully bless my heart be tall by two inches walk up/along the street arm in arm outline the history of ... brilliant with electric lights release his arm as I suspected, ... Phrases P2--5 take charge of ... be under arrest might have done ... drop over our way wire sb unfold the paper at the appointed place the face of the criminal a plain-clothes man a diary entry be innocent hesitate over sth continue doing / to do ... become convinced be legal stare at his smilling face Memories flooded back. stick to one’s principles in connection with... put up more affordable housing Phrases P2-5 Before reading Do you know the writer O. Henry What do you know about him O. Henry (pen name) William Sydney Porter (original name) (1862-1910) A world-famous American short story writer. During his lifetime, O. Henry published 10 collections(作品集) and over 600 short stories. In his stories, he often focused on the everyday life of ordinary people in New York City at that time. His stories are best known for their surprise endings. ● The Green Door — 《绿色门》 ● Hearts and Hands —《心与手》 ● Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen —《两位感恩节的绅士》 ● While the Auto Waits — 《汽车等待的时候》 ● Witches' Loaves —《女巫的面包》 ● A Service of Love —《爱的牺牲》 ● The Gift of the Magi —《麦琪的礼物》 ● The Last Leaf — 《最后的常春藤叶》 ● After Twenty Years — 《二十年后》 Major Works Have you ever read the story What is it about Before you read the story, think about: What is the most difficult choice you have made in your life so far Do you think time can change a person Why or why not Now read the short story- After Twenty Years on pages 2-3. From time to time, people find themselves in situations where they have to make a difficult choice concerning their moral values. While reading setting characters plot Read the short story and get its setting, characters and plot. Task 1 Para 1 ① the policeman; ② a man with an unlit cigar in his mouth; ③ a tall man in a long overcoat, with collar turned up to his ears Para 2 -- the end Tip Analysing the plot Plot refers to a series of events within a story, which are put in sequence according to the principle of cause a ... ...

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