
Unit 3 Online tours Welcome to the unit课件+素材(牛津译林版八年级下册)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:33次 大小:41597446Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) If we want to start online tours , what do we need most laptop Do they know much about computers Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. Eddie and Hobo do not know what the computer is. Hobo thinks it _____ _____ a televison. Eddie thinks the mouse is the _____ _____. They want to use the mouse to _____ _____ _____, because they think the _____ is boring. looks like remote control change the channel programme screen main unit keyboard mouse mice / mouses Different parts of a computer. What do you usually use your computer for /to do I use my computer for watching videos. I use my computer to watch videos. I use my computer for… /to do… I use my computer for playing games I use my computer to play games I use my computer for… /to do… I use my computer for searching for information I use my computer to search for information I use my computer for… /to do… I use my computer for doing word processing I use my computer to do word processing Unit 3 Online travlel The 1st period Welcome to the unit Objectives To introduce the topic of computer To talk about the uses of computers I use my computer for… /to do… I use my computer for sending and receiving e-mails I use my computer to send and receive e-mails I use my computer for… /to do… I use my computer for chatting with friends I use my computer to chat with friends I use my computer for… /to do… I use my computer for doing some shopping online I use my computer to do some shopping online I use my computer for… /to do… A: What do you usually use your computer for B:I usually use it to… A: why B: Because… A: How often do you use your computer for this B: … (Almost every day , twice a week …) chat with friends do word processing play games search for information watch videos send and receive emails … Ask each other what you use your computer for . We can use computer to travel around the world. Sydney is on the south-east _____of Australia. /k st/ n. coast The Sydney Opera House looks like a ship with many _____. sails In Australia, the seasons are different from those in China.Do you know why Is Sydney the capital of Australia It’s the l_____ c_____in Australia. argest ity Because China is in the n_____ part of the earth but Australia is in the s_____ part of the earth. orthern outhern Australian opposite /' p z t/ /' p s t/ / `streili n/ Australian seasons are _____ours. be the opposite of 与……相反/相对 e.g. 他们的观点与我们的相反。 Their ideas _____ ours. are the opposite of the opposite of Harbour Bridge Harbour Bridge is _____ (在悉尼歌剧院附近) near the Opera House. An online tour of Sydney ,Australia at the top Camera pictures bottom 1. Sydney is on the north-east coast of Australia. 2. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. 3. Sydney is near a lake. 4. The Sydney Opera House looks like a ship with many sails. 5. It takes about 30 minutes to climb the Harbour Bridge. 6. In April, it is spring in Australi ... ...

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