

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:91次 大小:20574Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第九周—七年级下册英语仁爱版每周测验 一、单项选择 1.Our computer rooms are in the science building _____we go there to have IT. A.but B.or C.so D.because 2.Lisa _____ like rice _____ bread. A.doesn’t; or B.don’t; and C.doesn’t; and D.isn’t; and 3.—Jim, would you like to _____ the class competition —Great! I’d like to. A.joining B.take part in C.join D.taking part in 4.Can you _____ it in English A.speak B.speaks C.say D.says 5.Jimmy _____ math today. It’s difficult _____ interesting. A.have; so B.has; but C.have; but D.has; or 6.They _____ the Hiking Club together. A. takes part in B. took part in C. joined D. joined in 7.—Don't swim in the river! What should you do if you are_____ —I know. Thank you. A.in fact B.in danger C.out of danger D.on sale 8.Don't forget_____ the door when you leave the room. A.close B.closing C.to close D.to closing 9.The trees are good for us. So we can’t _____. A. cut it down B. cut down it C. cut down them D. cut them down 10.The movie Changjinhu is_____ educational _____I want to see it again. A. So; that B. such; that C. not; until D. too; to 二、完成句子 1.生日蛋糕上插着14根蜡烛。 _____ _____ a birthday cake _____ fourteen candles. 2.他们每一个人都吃了一块蛋糕。 _____ _____ _____ ate a piece of cake. 3.她亲手制作的这些贺卡。 She _____ the cards _____ _____. 4.妈妈为我们买了一些食物和饮料。 My mother _____ some food and drinks _____ us. 5.他许了一个愿,然后吹灭了蜡烛。 He _____ _____ _____ and then _____ _____ the candles. 三、阅读理解 Judy works in a sports shop. She loves all kinds of sports. She can swim and skate very well. She often plays basketball and volleyball. These days, she is taking her tennis lessons at a tennis club. She goes to the club on weekends. There she meets Kate and Joan. The three of them become good friends. Kate and Joan start their tennis lessons earlier than Judy. But Judy learns the fastest. Now she plays the best of the three. "You can take part in the tennis game in our town next year," Kate says to Judy. "But I play sports only for exercise and fun, you know," Judy answers. 1.What is Judy doing these days A.She is working in a sports shop. B.She is learning to swim. C.She is skating. D.She is learning to play tennis. 2.Who are Judy's new friends A.Kate and Joan. B.Kate and Joan do. C.Are Kate and Joan. D.Joan and Kate does. 3.Who start the tennis lessons earlier than Judy A.Kate and Joan are. B.Kate and Joan did. C.Are Kate and Joan. D.Kate and Joan. 4.Who plays tennis best of the three A.Kate. B.Joan. C.Kate and Joan. D.Judy. 5.Who is going to take part in the tennis game next year A.Kate. B.No one. C.Kate and Joan. D.Judy. 四、完形填空 Hello, friends! I'm Harry. I'm a middle school student. There are many 1 in my school. Students can have great fun in these clubs. I love music. I can 2 and dance very well. So I join the music club. The club has activities(活动) on Tuesday and Thursday. I 3 many good friends in the club. We have the 4 interest(兴趣). I'm always very happy ... ...

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