
Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B 2a-2d课件(共43张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:88次 大小:8746104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Unit3 Section B 2a-2d 教学目标 1.学会正确理解及运用下列词汇和短语: politely, request, directions, correct, polite, direct, speaker, whom, impolite, address, underground,... 2. 通过阅读谈论礼貌用语的文章,进一步感知、理解含有Where/When/How引导的宾语从句。 3. 培养学生的阅读能力特别是总结主旨大意的能力 4. 培养学生在不同场合和不同文化背景学会使用得体的语言及礼貌用语。 5.通过对学生不同场合用词的礼貌性及得体性进行训练和教育,提升其依据场合运用得体语言的意识以及背后的文化习俗 Which response is more polite impolite polite Whatever you do, you should do it politely, especially in public places. Pay attention to our behavior. Why do they get different answers Because they ask for help in different ways. a direct question an indirect question impolite polite Let's read more to be polite. ① ② ③ ④ Read the article fast and get main idea of each para. 阅读指导:读每一段的第一句或者最后一句, find the key adj. 1_____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ important different longer right Read the article fast and get main idea of each para. Know the _____ of how to ask for help politely. Tips:Underline the topic sentence importance Read the article fast and get main idea of each para. Choose suitable language in _____ situations. different Read the article fast and get main idea of each para. Use _____ words to help you sound more _____. more polite Read the article fast and get main idea of each para. It's _____ but _____ to use _____language in different situations difficult impotant right ① ② ③ ④ Read the article fast and use “what”, “who”, “how”, “why”. Know the importance of how to ask for help politely. Use more words to help sound more polite. difficult but impotant Choose suitable language in different situations. what who How Why Let's read it carefully to be a more polite person. ( )Which of following is TRUE A.“Where are the restrooms ”sounds more polite . B.Knowing how to use correct language is enough when you make requests. C. Knowing how to ask for information politely is important. D.A direct question means polite. What we should do when we ask for help We should ask for help _____ and _____. in a _____ and _____ way. How does the writer express his idea more clear By_____. correctly politely correct polite giving an example How many situations mentioned(提到) in Para 2 Two “When is the school trip ” “Excuse me, Mr. West. Do you know When the school trip is ” ask them _____ ask them _____ directly politely So if you know someone very well, you can ask _____ . What situations you can say “Where is my book ”perhaps with____ A. a stranger B. parents C. your friends D. a teacher direct questions in a direct way Should we be polite to our parents Why Provide everything we need. inspire(鼓舞)us when we are sad. love us more than themselves. open the windows to the outer world. take pride in(为...骄傲) us at any time educate(教育) ... ...

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