
2024届江西省南昌市高三下学期第一次模拟测试英语试题(PDF版含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:99次 大小:3594806Byte 来源:二一课件通
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●●●●单●●●● 2024年HGT第一次模拟测试 12.Why dars the man thank the woman ●6●●●●●●● A.Yor her coneem. B.For her support C.Fee her gundanee 英语 ●●●●●●●●● 13.Whrt dors the woman finaily decide to do e0●●●●●●● 第一部分听力(共两节,就分30分) A.Learn from the man. B.Be a vidco produccr. ●●●●●色●●● 散随时,先将落案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分并的时同将试妥上的容案转 所第9段材料.回答第14至17题 欲到答题卡上, 14.Whot's wroog with the mran 绑一节(共5小题:每小题15分,药分7.5分) A.He has a htart ache. B.Ite hss a running Dose. C.He has a chest pain 听下面5及对话,每段对话后有个小燃,从题中所给的人、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项 15.Whte did the symptoms Legin 所完每段对片后,你都有10秒钟的对间米训答有关小画和阅设下一小题。每段对带仅读冯。 A.This moming. B.Three days ago. 学校 例:ow much is the shin 16.What does the woman arrunge for the man A.£19.15 B.£9.18. C。9.15 B.A medieal teat. 答案是C. 17.Whut did tho man plan to do tonight 1.Wht doc;the man forget to do A.Havo a big med. B.Order a ticket. C.Beok s roctauranl. A.Updste his WeChal. B.几cp等the money C.Teot the woman. 男10段以科,同路第18至20惠: 2.What will the speakers do next 18.What doos the spraker mainly talk aboet A.Do some cleaning. B.Make some calls. C.Buy gome fraits. 班毅 A.Sleep pattem. B.Sleep quality. 3.What will Kerin be responsible for I9.yeth=sp业suggest keeping a sleep d在? A.lis university fee. B.Hin Samily expenee6. A.To obserce dail habits. B.To obey nsturalrm C.To pocord aleep time 4.Where duee the convcrestion probobly tke plsre 20.Whal is the best uay ie get rest A.At homne. B.lo a hoteL C.At s grocery. A.To get eaough sleep. B.To keep early bours C.To follow a slecp schedale. 5.How much should the man psy for the boer 篇二部分闵读(共向节。希分50分) 83. B.$6. C.9 第一节共15小题:每小题25分,裤分37.5分) 姓名 第二节(共15小通:每小题15分,共225分) 剑这下兴极文,从每默所给的A.B、C、D网个进项中法出限法项: 听下面5设对话或独户,每段对话或独白后有几个小亚,从恶中新给的五、B、C三个选廷 中海出最生进项。听有段对话或独白前,你来有时间习读各个小超.每小题5砂钟:听完后,冬 小题光始出5秒并的作答树问。每:对话或独白波河通, Elite Sumer Sehool Program for lligh School Smdents 听第6段尉料,回答第6,3题 Haread'Elite Progrum for bigh school stedents is an intensice two-wreek sunmer program 6.Wbo will the komen merl tonighi desigoed to give you agimefoe life.Youi lire on the llarvard campes during yor rok 线 A.Her teachers. B.Hegr farailies C.Her oa hile tekinga colrgo-kvel erase with other Flite Program det 学号 7.How doce the mam eoupd in the end The spplication for Summer 2024 is now open. A.Kavious. B.Surprsed. C.Dissppoiniod Coet:$5,550+$75 sppliction fo 新第7段材料,瓦各算8.9勉。 202452sica如L上]m023-Judy5.202 8.What does the woman ask abaut 20745 ssian Il:Jy7-19.2024 A.Job experieoce. B.Poctical skilis. C.School application. 20245 sion III:Juls21-Aorus42.2024 9.Which pmgram might the woman chocee Who Can Participate in the Elite Program ... ...

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